

Tony Parsons

He lives in England and leads numerous seminars around the world.

Excerpt from the book “All That Is”:

I might as well warn you right away, I am not an enlightened person and no one in this room will ever become one. There is no such thing as an enlightened person. This is a contradiction in terms.

I would like to add that what is happening here is not teaching of any kind. There is nothing that is taught here, for there is no one here who needs to be taught.

All there is here, really, are friends trying to remember something. Simply remembering something that we may consider lost or misplaced. Some remembered - and quite a few others in that room also got a scent or a glimpse of what they thought was lost.

And the nature of what we think is lost is presence, timeless Being. It’s totally and completely simple - the very thing that we pine for more than anything else is actually totally and completely simple, immediate and available. Strangely, the thing we want most has never left us.

In simple terms, all that happens is that when we are very young children, there is simply being, without knowing it being. There is simply existence, being. And then someone comes up and says, “You’re Paul.” or “You are Mary” - “You are a person.” Then, one way or another, the mind - the “I” thought, the identity, the “I am a person” idea. - seizes the energy of being and identifies it as Paul, Mary or whatever. It monopolizes the being and gives it a name. Words begin, labels appear, and that whole “me” idea sets in motion and becomes the main dominant of life.

If you look at the apparent world we live in today, it’s all about the "me", everything is focused on the success or failure of "the person.”

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