

Oak mistletoe in France

Oak mistletoe: between myths and realities...


This plant is called by the Chaldeans Luperax, by the Greeks Elisena, and by the French mistletoe oak.
It grows in trees which are pierced, and being joined with another which we call sylphium, opens all kinds of locks (Albert the Great).
Plant with bitter flavor, liver, kidney meridians (see: Chinese medicine).
Viscum or mistletoe is a plant that grows on the trunk or large branches of several species of trees such as oak (rarely), apple tree, pear tree, willow, poplar, medlar, quince, chestnut, wild plum, mountain ash, hazel, rosehip, hawthorn, but the most esteemed in medicine is that which grows on the oak.
It is called Viscum quercinum, feu lignum sancta crucis, in French, oak mistletoe.
The fruits are small round or oval berries, soft, white, shiny, resembling our small white currants, filled with a viscous juice which the Ancients used to make glue.
In the middle of this fruit we find a small, very flattened seed, usually cut into a heart.
The guy has no apparent root, it is confused in the substance of the tree, it always remains green in winter and summer.

The Priests of the ancient Payens gathered under these oaks laden with mistletoe to say their prayers, and they revered the mistletoe as a sacred plant.
The wood of the oak tree is often used in medicine.
It is necessary to choose it large, well fed, hard, heavy, and if possible, still attached to a piece of the oak, in order to be assured that it comes from it, because common mistletoe is quite often sold at merchants. for oak mistletoe.
Mistletoe contains a lot of oil and essential or volatile salt.
It is used internally to strengthen the brain, for epilepsy, for paralysis, for apoplexy, for lethargy, for convulsions, for worms.
It is also used in external remedies, such as in plasters, in ointments, to strengthen, to mature the parotids or other tumors, to resolve.
The mistletoe of other trees has virtues similar to those of the oak tree, but weaker.
The berries of mistletoe are acrid and bitter, their glue is suitable for ripening abscesses and hastening their suppuration, these berries should never be given by mouth, because they are considered a kind of poison, they purge downwards. with very great violence, and they cause inflammation within the viscera, if we are to believe the ancient authors, I have never experienced them.
Mistletoe was called viscum or viscus, that is to say glue, because its juice is filled with glue.

Propriétés classiques
Hypotenseur, cardiotonique, vasodilatateur périphérique, anticancer, activité immunostimulante, diurétique (urée).
Nervosisme, tachycardie, douleurs pericardiaques, palpitations, acouphènes, vertiges, céphalées, asthme, ménopause, artériosclérose, (gériatrie), cancer, états cancéreux (selon les anthroposophes), rhumatismes et arthroses chroniques.
Précautions : Les baies de gui sont des poisons cardiaque et nerveux.
Antroposophie : plante anti-rythme végétatif, le gui ne peut s’incarner dans le minéral mort mais dans un sol qui est vivant par lui-même.
Sa sève est un élément de lumière aérienne qui monte vers la clarté cosmique.
Le gui se tient éloigné des êtres de feu et de la terre, il se tient dans les éléments intermédiaires mercuriels eau et air.
Sa graine, si elle tombe en terre, est inapte à prendre racine.

Relations psycho-émotionnelles

Classic properties
Hypotensive, cardiotonic, peripheral vasodilator, anticancer, immunostimulating activity, diuretic (urea).
Nervousism, tachycardia, pericardial pain, palpitations, tinnitus, dizziness, headaches, asthma, menopause, arteriosclerosis (geriatrics), cancer, cancerous conditions (according to anthroposophists), rheumatism and chronic osteoarthritis.
Precautions: Mistletoe berries are cardiac and nervous poisons.
Antroposophy: anti-vegetative rhythm plant, mistletoe cannot be incarnated in the dead mineral but in a soil which is alive in itself.
Its sap is an element of aerial light that rises towards cosmic clarity.
Mistletoe stays away from beings of fire and earth, it stays in the intermediate mercurial elements water and air.
Its seed, if it falls into the ground, is incapable of taking root.

Psycho-emotional relationships

Harvest impulse facing the temporal prison.
Desire to break the established and conservative rhythms of a society which is perceived as having been trapped in rigid and drying rules.
Great impulse of revolt in the face of the temporal prison, desire to escape duality by connecting to the root which is in heaven.
Liberation from the influence of false light to move towards sacred darkness and hence to the essential fire which encompasses light and darkness in movement.
The viscum album spagyric elixir is completely impregnated with this symbol of renewal, “mistletoe in the new year”.
Nine is the end of tribulations on earth, the reunion with the inner hermit.
Elixir of rebirth and resurrection with this plant which, in certain aspects, represents Down syndrome in the plant kingdom, just as the donkey energizes this current in the animal kingdom.

In spagyric

Arterial and capillary circulation, Raynaud’s syndrome, arteriosclerosis, palpitations, nervousness, headaches, rheumatism, acute inflammations.
This sheet is taken from the book by Toni Ceron

“Therapeutic reference of 214 Elixirs” by Éditions Col du Feu.

Attention !

Mistletoe contains toxic substances which can cause, in the event of excessive ingestion of the fruit, digestive disorders and even heart problems.

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