

The Philosophers of Nature ( P.O.N.) - Seminars 1992

Background Information by Russ House, President, The Philosophers of Nature
October 1st through 3rd, 1992 marked the first seminar held by The Philosophers of Nature (then called LPN-USA). Since that time, we have sponsored at least one major seminar annually in the USA. This first seminar of three days duration was held at my home, for about 85 attendees. The lecturers included Jean Dubuis, founder of Les Philosophes des la Nature (LPN), translator Patrice Malézé, Lucile Gerbaut, Yves Arbez, Marc-Gerald Cibard, all of whom traveled to the seminar from France. Etienne Cornaille also attended.

I had met these generous people (excluding Patrice) in May, 1992, at a French-language seminar in Canada. During this seminar, I asked them to come to the US and present a practical workshop for our English-speaking members. They immediately accepted the invitation.

The topics of the first P.O.N. seminar included esotericism and qabala, as well as spagyrics and mineral alchemy. The latter was focused on the way of animated mercury using antimony regulus, and there were at times three propane-fired furnaces going at full blast in the yard to prepare the regulus. Demonstrations included details of the animated mercury path, including purification of regulus, admixture with silver, and distillation of the amalgams. Butter of antimony was prepared, as well. Details on making plant stones were given, as well as numerous valuable keys regarding crystalization and the evolution of matter.

Thanks to the efforts of Anthony House, who painstakingly transcribed these lectures from videotape, you can read here the lectures given by Jean Dubuis and Patrice Malézé. The remaining lectures can not be published at the present time as we do not have the rights to them.

NOTE: Les Philosophes des la Nature (LPN) does not exist today. The sole right to distribute all intellectual properties of Mr. Dubuis is managed by myself, and at the present time, English-language and French-language courses created by Mr. Dubuis are distributed through The Philosophers of Nature, headquartered in the US. Mr. Dubuis is a life-member of this association.

Lecturer: Jean Dubuis
Translator: Patrice Malézé
Commentary by Russ House is indicated as [RH: ...]

Tape #1 Thursday October 1st 1992 P.O.N. Seminar #1
Energies in Alchemy & Qabala
Before we start this seminar I’d like to say some words on the L.P.N. philosophy. [RH: The L.P.N. was a French-language association founded by Jean Dubuis. It is no longer operative. The Philosophers of Nature is dedicated to the same philosophical and ethical traditions, and presenting the courses of Mr. Dubuis and others.] We are not library alchemists but laboratory alchemists. And in all of these lectures we will give you the means to do the experiments. We will hand out photocopies. Because we believe that if we want to go further in alchemy we must understand perfectly what we are doing. We must keep free of superstitions, but verify experimentally. We think that when you have heard all our explanations, and the experiments and demonstrations that we will be having, you will be able to reproduce the experiments and to explain with certitude not from what people say (claim) but by your own words.

We will start with a lecture on energy. During our work we found out that the energies that are involved with alchemy, were the same as the ones used in operative qabala. So in considering this thing we will see teachings from Germany that are some kind of synthesis between alchemy, qabala, or operative magic and astrology. But the so-called astrology for practical reasons in alchemy is set to the planetary genius’s probably. We think that we cannot work at random in alchemy. And we will try to explain how to manipulate properly the alchemical energies. First theory, then practice. For reasons of language we will mix both qabala and alchemy first. Because we have been brought to think during accomplishments and works, that qabala explains some kinds of problems properly and alchemy, others.

When we look at the text of the Golden Chain of Homer (points to picture on wall) at this picture here, it’s in accordance with the qabala. It says that everything that exists comes from one energy and origin and that this energy originates matter but also consciousness and energy. To speak of this energy we will take the names of qabala. This energy starts with level 1, where it suffers and begins, in successive steps, to coagulates to the level of the density of our world and its level of power. It automatically condenses to many levels, we have 1-2-3 here (points to chart) and 1-2-3 here, of these we will speak very little. These levels do not concern alchemy or qabala except beginning on #3. We don’t speak of these levels because they have very little influence on the earth work, because they are levels where no space and time occur. The levels consist of alchemy and a bit of chemistry. The job we will be doing will be to consider the nature of these energies of the upper worlds and the upper levels. There is no space or time and energy is unitary. We start in the kingdom of duality. Little by little with coagulation, appears a denser space/time. From this point on every law of nature by conception has a double aspect + and - etc. This part of energy is invisible. For the ordinary consciousness of man only level ten of coagulation is visible. Whatever process you use in alchemy you will always have to go by steps. All these levels of energy exist in everything, in the mineral, vegetable, and man. [RH: The levels conform to the levels in the tree of life. 1 is the most subtle, 10 the most dense. 1 is Kether, 2 is Chockmah, 3 is Binah. At level 3 the first duality as space/time forms as the primary energy coagulates. 4 is Chesed, 5 is Geburah, 6 is Tiphareth, 7 is Netzach, 8 is Hod, 9 is Yesod, and 10 is Malkuth. Malkuth conforms to "the density of our world and its level of power".]

To understand what is coming, that will be spoken of Sunday, we will only lightly speak of certain things, because today is a preparation so that you can understand what we will do, then we will go and do it. Every level constitutes what we call an inner world or a level in the universe. In each of these levels there exists things and elements that exist on the earth level. Energy is in degrees and it can match matter and can act on it, even in very subtle states in form. And when man can match his conscious with a level he sees that in each of these worlds he can live consciously, just like in this world; that rocks and animals exist - and that things are very little different from what people are seeing on this level (10). Except that consciousness has to adapt to the space/time at each level which is the biggest problem that we encounter. In fact the real work of alchemy or qabala and the real initiation is to go up the levels of the conscious of man, up one by one, so as to become conscious of these inner worlds. When dealing with alchemy or qabala it’s important to know that the energy comes down always by the same way. It is something you have to remember when you will have complex experiments. Subtle energy in alchemy will be the same way: you will make it come down in the same first way, and in no alchemical experiment can you jump a level. That’s the general aspect of energy. These energies have several aspects we can use in alchemy. If we consider the beginning up here (points to chart level 1) it is the origin from which the matter is being carried , both names - depending on the order and when duality appears the energy takes two aspects. An aspect which the ancients called nitre and an aspect called salt. In texts it’s twice called salt of the sky and salt of the earth, then this energy divides into two - then appears the four elements on which lots of errors have been made and on which we will try to explain a lot of things.

The first (ones) are Air and Fire, they are in fact the spiritual energy that animates things. These are the energies used in alchemy and these energies are totally or nearly totally ignored by the profane sciences. Earth and Water are the energies in the origin of the matter and structure. In alchemical conceptions of principles we consider Fire and Air to form the principle called Sulfur, the principle that animates things. Earth and Water form the principle of Salt - they are the structure of matter.

Between the spiritual and matter is an element called Mercury, it is between the symbols Air and Water. Mercury in every kingdom is the element and junction between spirit and matter. We will pause on the alchemical problem, as here there are delicate things to explain. The names of these elements do not mean their aspects. If we want a relatively correct picture of these elements, we must consider the sunlight. It seems white, and when it comes down through the rain or a prism it’s a new color. The elements are colors of the primary unity and are included in it - there is an order of power in the elements. Fire is the strongest and in every initiatic or alchemistical process - Fire sets things. [RH: The term ’sets’ is used interchangeably with ’determines’. This concept appears again in the lecture on ’Mendeleiev Table of Elements’ and in discussions on ’The Secret Fire’. It is an important concept in Alchemy.]

The energy goes down by Fire, Air, Water, Earth (Homer chart is reversed for this), these (Earth) elements in man are the body elements. These are the salt - (traditionally?) we have produced a bad note by saying that when we go through death the salt separates from the body. What is said now will be right for man, for the vegetable, for mineral. When the death occurred there was only a transfer of the energy produced (at the time)? This may seem far from real alchemy but we will try to show you by experiment that it is possible to have the elements go up step by step. [RH: Metallic evolution.] In fact what we will say tomorrow, coming up [RH: though the levels] with the elements of matter, brings back the consciousness of the operator on this same level and he will be conscious of this level.

I will now come to a practical aspect. We had a little problem with the 6000 documents. We missed some documents of the alchemical work that will be important to remember, that whatever level we consider we find that in every level there’s a series of things. In every level there is a level of consciousness and density, and space/time, and for our chemical work there are basic elements that have a planet related, symbolically or in reality. For instance here is mercury (points to chart at level 8), a metal, a day of the week - Wednesday - a crystal - orthorhombic (Note: Here Patrice says orthorhombic, however, mercury is rhombohedral) - and also a certain number of plants. And when we will speak on Saturday we will spend time to see what metal of -----? Back to our chemical work. In manipulating these energies we will talk a lot on the initiatic stones. Because a vegetable stone allows one much more quickly to have contact with inner levels. For instance we think we will be able to let you have an experience or at least a contact on this level (mercury), and we will explain later why we chose this level.

But the vegetable stone only gives temporary experience. To have a definitive experience we must work on the metallic stone. We will explain in detail how we can discover the level(s) of the stones. The stones belonging to the white work will allow one to accomplish contact at these levels (points to chart levels 9 - 8 -7) and the stones that are red allow to initiate these levels (points to same chart, levels 6 - 5- 4 -3), upper levels. We are rather short of time because the program we have for you is long. The consequences of initiation here will be followed (up on?) For us alchemy is a very logical and very --- kind --- and we do not believe in the value of ---- because we think that people, as will be explained tomorrow, that people who are not of the proper ’heart’, who are not real knights will not succeed in alchemy.

That’s for tomorrow, and we will explain to you the rules of the laboratory. The second part is, you must have a strong heart. The world was created as it is, and it is not credible to make chemical experiments if we do not understand what we are doing, and if we don’t know the ethical reasons based on alchemical rules.

We think that during this seminar we will come to some interesting ideas and to make two KEY stones on the alchemical path, and we think that we will explain to you a problem on the metallic work. And Thursday the elements given will allow you to do at least two thirds of the Flamel work. We will speak on the third work but it brings on a bit of a problem. (long break)

While it seems illogical, we will start by explaining the metallic work in the laboratory. We are going to be working a lot on it. This will be the first series of basic ideas on it.

Theory - Rules for the Work in the Alchemical Laboratory
Lecturer: Jean Dubuis
Translator: Patrice Malézé
Commentary by Russ House is indicated as [RH: ...]

(Yves Arbez) We have the Mendeleiev table of elements according to alchemy - and then we will end with the Nicolas Flamel work. It’s important to see the table of Mendeleiev because it’s important to understand the Flamel (work), because it’s important to understand alchemy by logic. Magic and mathematics are the work of the divine. What’s not understandable by logic and common sense in alchemy is not a real path.

(Jean) I will try to explain a certain number of conditions necessary to respecting the laboratory in the work to succeed. If you like, in the alchemical work it’s a spiritual path that needs much more caution than in a chemistry lab. So I’ll try to make a short range of what can be seen there. First of all alchemical energies are spiritual energies and you must be cautious that the laboratory is not hostile to these energies. And I think that it is a good thing to make a washing once a moon of the laboratory. This laboratory can be on the physical path but you must concentrate on the fact that you also clean the psychic part (aspect) of the laboratory.

In the laboratory, and that’s where the key of alchemy stays, is created a link between the operation and the alchemist. When this link is properly done the alchemist has direct knowledge of nature, found in no book. When you work in the alchemical lab it’s better to have an oratory and to clean yourself psychically before you begin any physical work. So first put the lab in a good vibration state, and second put the operator in a good vibration state.

And next to this are two kinds of work in the laboratory - say the delicate ones and the others. For the delicate ones which are those where the alchemical life can be endangered, the operator is alone in the laboratory - nobody can work with him in that case.

The maximum would be the couple Nicola and Pernelle, no more. When you work on sensitive products, when these products are prepared that’s when they are in the phase of preparation. Because then they are more sensitive or in intermediate phases we must - according to cases - must see our products do not necessitate incubation, they are put in the oratory (away) from everybody, nobody can see them. If the products need incubation they are put in the incubator and only the alchemist opens it. Particularly the mercuries are very, very delicate products whatever kingdom they belong to. When you prepare alcohol to make a vegetable mercury above 70 alcoholic degrees [RH: that is, 70 percent pure, or 140 proof] only the operator can touch the alcohol - because you must understand - for instance the alcohol that will be used for a mercury - if you put a parasitic load in it you will never be able to extract it. The alcohol (in this case) is only good to wash the dishes. (glassware).

When the products are done - for instance when the stone has been incubated and it’s entirely done - it can be exposed to the public, but it’s much less delicate. As long as the surroundings are O.K. you can show it to familiars.

Q. Did you say the alcohol should be 70 degrees ---- ? [RH: the confusion is in the terminology of ’degree’, which means percentage.]

A. (Patrice) Yes, about 70 degrees to 100 or 99.9 - I think?

When you manipulate the mercuries you can have different types of vegetable mercuries. But some rules are to be respected. When you want to extract the vegetable mercury the extraction liquid must contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen - otherwise the extraction will be dead. For instance you can extract the vegetables with alcohol, acetone, acetic acid, hexane, but you cannot extract with (carbon tetrachloride or ethylene?) You cannot extract with these because in these are not the elements that can keep the vegetable life. We spoke about the mineral kingdom. In the mineral kingdom only the animated mercury allows extractions.

We have research on extractions of sulfur by mercuries of the metallic kingdoms that are all very dangerous products. When we will have finished our study on the security on these products we will publish those.

You must also be very careful that in the vegetable kingdom the liquid products must not touch metal and particularly aluminum. And next to this — we spoke of it earlier, but I will speak of it again because it’s a very delicate problem — of the loss of the alchemical life. If we consider a living body from an alchemical point of view, the alchemical life is kept by the crystalline network. If you crush the product, you do not free life - because the crystalline network is in the atomic state and it’s impossible to crush down to the atomic state. When the crystal is in powder it’s just as living as when it was in crystals, it’s just an indication. If you melt the crystal, the life is gone, except in certain cases. We will explain now.

If you dissolve the crystal in a liquid - the life is gone unless the liquid is a mercury of the (same) kingdom. If the liquid is a mercury of the (same) kingdom it takes life and eventually it will be possible to transfer it somewhere else. To illustrate this the ancients say that the transmutation stone must be wrapped in wax before it’s used and it must be rapidly dipped in a fusing metal. Then it doesn’t melt before it’s in the metal and its fusion (occurs) in the middle of the metal - it frees its energies there in the metal.

When you take a vegetable stone the interest is to take it with a slightly alcoholic liquid (wine) in order to have it come really fast in your stomach. The stomach liquids destroy the alcoholic structures of the vegetable stone, and if everything is fine the energy is freed next to the solar plexus. And that explains its effects.

Considering special liquids you must take care of - particularly in the vegetable or acetic acid ways - acetic acid. I don’t know where you will go to in alchemy, but I must tell you two things on this acid and on another. When you have a commercial acid usually they are obtained by distilling wood and we don’t really know well the nature of life that’s in it. [RH: Much commercial acetic acid is from wood: pyroligneous acid.]

If you want to be certain of the alchemical quality of this acetic acid you can only extract it (acetic acid) from vinegar, extracted from red wine. There’s no need for distilling, the only concentration possible is done through freezing. It was probably described in the P.O.N. paper (The Stone newsletter) and in the Lessons. A freezing to 25 (degrees) C allows a very rapid separation of the acetic acid - of the vinegar. Since I explained some things from the past, in the ancient texts we don’t know uric acid but there is a difference in the ancient books. The ancients would say the uric acid is a dead acid. That can be done by yourself very easily - when they (ancients) say sea salt acid it’s the living acid - we’ll show you a sample there and have work with the acid used in the butter of antimony.


Q. (Question not understood)

A. O.K. And we will explain why. Anyway when you’re considering the vegetable salt you wish it to be dead. The vegetable salt must be dead, there must be no life in it, so (that) when you put pure life in it - it won’t be contaminated by the ancient life in the salt. You’re certain that there is no more life in the vegetable salt when there is no more carbon in it.

Q. Jean mentioned certain acids that you couldn’t use on vegetables and I didn’t get them?

A. It wasn’t mentioned but it’s written down here (handouts) so you can read it from there. O.K. We are a bit late in the program. We hadn’t (anticipated) different technical problems. 110 volts a bit slower for the furnace and the stibnite is too rich and we didn’t have the proper proportions for the salts. So we are a bit late.

So what you have in the general rules of the laboratory (handouts) is more than what he said here.

Mendeleiev Table of Elements

O.K. What you will hear now is relatively new stuff you will never read this in alchemical books.

This theoretical aspect allows you to not have any problems with classical work. What will be said here results from numerous studies and experiments. The alchemists are not quite agreed with the Mendeleiev table but have agreed it’s a very useful tool. (points to chart) This table is divided in rows - it’s divided in columns and rows - horizontal layers. Usually these layers are called periods. In fact, we have seen in our work that if this table was modified, correspondence would occur between the 7 periods and the 7 sephiroth of (theology?) (the qabala tree?).

Such as it is, there is no correspondence, but the columns - each of the columns - corresponds to a function of nature. And as I will try to explain it’s very interesting to tell that work. To (avoid?) what seems to be already made solutions - approximately - coming down in the layers here corresponds to the densification of the matter. On the other hand, columns give very precise things. In fact there’s only 8 columns, and every column corresponds to an external layer of electrons. That means in every atom there is a kernel and several layers of electrons but the only thing that interests chemistry and alchemy is the outside layer.

When there is only one electron, the elements correspond to the first column here and you will have to have this column here. In the table that we gave you - columns are divided into A & B - because the chemist had to divide these groups into A & B because of non-compatible chemical properties. In the table you have and the paper you will be given, I have written down that in certain cases it’s A and in other cases it’s the B. But it’s not very important in the beginning of the work.

Yesterday explained the problem of the 4 elements, that were 4 types of energy, like 4 colors, and that Fire is the principle animating nature. All the elements of column 1 bear the Fire in our world. But when the Fire comes from the sun it’s undetermined - this will be detailed in the Secret Fire lecture.

The first layer of the Fire in our world is hydrogen. It’s a very psychic Fire, completely undetermined. We’ll see later on that column 6 is the column of life, and when the original Fire is associated to the column of life it gives H2O, the natural water. And this will allow to explain the properties of water in the Archæus and Gur.

The second element bearing Fire is lithium. At this level the Fire doesn’t belong to a kingdom, but Fire contained in lithium has a lot of effect on fishes and on man.

When Fire keeps coming down it arrives on this third element sodium and in this case Fire that has been incorporated in sodium is now set to a kingdom and it will be Fire of the animal kingdom. It’s the Fire that allows animal life through sodium chloride that’s in the blood.

When Fire keeps coming down it comes to potassium. When the Fire contacts potassium it belongs to the vegetable kingdom.

These three elements (points to 1A?) have no relevance for us (alchemists). We come to 1B, copper, silver, and gold. They bear the metallic Fire. When we will imitate this, you will understand why these three things (elements) are linked in the metallic work, because these are the elements that bear the metallic Fire.

To give an extra explanation on the first column, the Fire is non-determined in the air. You can either put a salt of sodium or a salt of potassium - the deliquescence, to obtain deliquescent salt. Here the liquids will give something for the animal kingdom. Here the deliquescence most fluid is the potassium carbonate. It’s a product that will be exclusively set to the vegetable work. We’ll see this on rapid fabrication of stones. I won’t speak here of the deliquescence of these elements, these are very complex and I don’t think these should be spoken of in the first lecture.

All you need to know first is that when reanimating mercury, whether Lunar or Venusian, these will bear the Fire that will allow later to animate gold. Would you like any further explanation on number 1?

Q. I know in psychiatric nursing, listening to people that are in care for manic depression, and I was wondering if you would highlight the use of lithium?

A. We would just stress that the psychosomatic effects of lithium would be related to the Fire. That’s all because there’s no reason to work on this (lithium) in the alchemical work. We only stress what’s in interest to us, you know?

Column number 2 - All of these (2A) as far as alchemy is concerned are of no interest, the interest is in 2B: zinc, cadmium, and mercury. Column 2 has its number there, it’s the number of duality, and metals here in column 2 are metals that will make the link between two worlds. Their energies allow consciousness between spiritual and material. In our actual work we only use mercury (Hg), but if you have books especially ancient German alchemist’s books they would have used zinc as metallic mercury. We won’t speak of it today because it doesn’t concern the Flamel work and these are chemically complex operations. The cadmium that bears the god Cadmus’ name has been thought of by most recent alchemists, but it can also be used as a mercury. We have a research program on it so we don’t speak of it, and we must be very careful because cadmium is quite toxic.

Q. Question on calcium?

A. O.K. We haven’t spoken much on calcium, but it’s of very little interest. It’s only use in alchemy is merely taking water out of alcohol by calx. In the work here, calcium will have practically no interest. As we only have two days for all this we will only stress what we think important.

Column 3 - It has no use in alchemy, but you must be very careful with it. The elements of (column) 3 must not be in contact with alchemical products because the elements of this column have the properties to bring alchemical death. You must be very careful particularly on aluminum and boron. When your crucibles will be very dirty the only way to get rid of the heavy scoria is to have borax melt in the crucible, to have it clean - the borax will do it for you. Then after that you have to get rid of the boron that’s left in the crucibles. You can boil two or three times in boiling water. And heat it (crucibles) gently in an electric furnace. If you use borax to make a glass of antimony it will lead to big problems because the ---- have curious properties - leads to breaking Soxhlets very easily, and can only be extracted with Fumagawa. In this extractor the extracting cartridge is in - (Marc Gerald draws the extractor) (discussion) Do you know this thing called the Fumagawa? It’s not a Soxhlet. In the Soxhlet the cartridge is cold. In the Fumagawa the cartridge is hot, and the heat of the extracting water allows to extract borax before it swells too much and explodes.

Q. What is it?

A. It’s Japanese. (Laughs.)

Column 4 - The most important. If you don’t understand very well what happens in column 4 don’t start with the acetate work. This column 4 carbon - you must be careful that in nature there’s a lot of symbols and the atom with 4 electrons is the symbol of the quaternary. And it’s the base of all vegetable and animal life. All the vegetable and animal chemistry is the chemistry of carbon - organic chemistry. That means that vegetal or animal life can be fixed on atoms that have four electrons.

The second element (of column 4) is silicon and in silicon modern chemistry played nearly an alchemical role - it’s silicon chemistry. Silicon. In silicon chemistry organic structures have been put on a mineral instead of carbon. In this column there would be metals very interesting for alchemy - germanium and tin. But unfortunately their chemical properties make an alchemical work nearly impossible on them. Not theoretically, but practically. But if we reach now - lead - lead is the only regular metal that has four electrons. A real KEY on the acetate work - as there are four external electrons, the vegetable or animal life can be fixed on lead. The way of acetates that people have spoken of and mainly Newton, consists in transferring vegetable life on lead.

Because vegetable life is much more conscious than mineral life and evolution processes of lead are multiplied by a factor of several million. I think we will have to explain acetates in detail but don’t forget that during these explanations the problem is to transfer Fire from here to there (column1 to column 4) to transfer vegetable Fire on lead.

I will give all details and necessary precautions. Questions on column 4? This is a short cut so we don’t have time to go element by element. But this is just to give you an idea that you can set your mind on.

Q. Is germanium an important alchemical element?

A. It could be, but its chemical properties mean that you cannot have alchemical work done on it.

Q. Is it because it’s found so rare in nature?

A. Patrice: When he (Jean) studies processes of experiments like this, he studies the three aspects of alchemical, chemical, and philosophical (?) To transfer vegetable life on germanium which may be interesting, since it’s a 4 electron body you cannot transfer anything else but vegetable (life), there is no easy chemical reaction that allows transfer.

Column 5 - Is the column of niter. Here is the nitrogen it’s the accelerator in every reign. Nitrate can be found in stibnite and nitrate in the air we breath is nitrogen. It’s the general accelerator. The other accelerators here, are things to be used with a lot of precaution and when you have 30 years of alchemy.

This one (potassium) accelerates the brain. In France we’re giving (it) to old Senators. (laughs)

This one is arsenic, there is very little acceleration, but if you use some of this you will probably have no acceleration at all. (laughs)

Then we have here antimony, that is the key that’s very sensible in the kingdom. In ancient books on alchemy you could find bismuth being mentioned. For nuclear reasons it cannot be used in alchemy after all. It’s too long to explain. The accelerator column is column 5. They are activators of energy.

Column 6 - The first one is oxygen, it’s the fruit of life. The vegetable and animal life, and sulphur is the activator of mineral life. You see, we see errors in our alchemical texts because people don’t know the details. If you transferred the vegetable life on this (lead) you cannot do this on sulphur, because the sulphur is the mineral breathing - so that life can find oxygen. If you put vegetable life in lead the evolution will be done only if it has oxygen, so you will need metallic oxides to feed it. For lead - minium. If you - the cinnabar will be the oxygen for the metallic life. The selenium is useful in very rare cases and what’s more, it’s very practical.

In column 7 - The only one we’re interested in is chlorine. It’s very useful for the animal life and it sets Fire to its life. In alchemical experiments we should work with it eventually -----. When we will have come here for the 4th time we will speak of it then. [RH: Jean’s way of putting off discussion of a dangerous path mentioned in the Theory on the Flamel Path.]

Here (column 6) there were 6 electrons. Here there are 7. The rare gases have 8 electrons and they have no interest in alchemy. If you take a look at very complex nuclear books, 2 elements are an exception. Here it’s palladium and copper. Copper has problems on the electron level.

To end this there is something that I had not explained earlier - that nature functions the same way in every kingdom and for instance chemical structures often have the properties of one of the kingdoms. For instance, if you consider carbonic gas, there is in this gas one atom of carbon and two of oxygen. When this gas is in little quantity, like in mineral water, it’s an activator for the body (human). If it’s in high quantity it’s mortal, deadly. When you play with crystals the quartz crystals SiO2 it has the same structure as carbonic gas. If you have a crystal of quartz at home, it will give you some (-----) force, but if you wear it on yourself it will destroy you (kill), like carbonic gas of high dosage.

I spoke of this example because it’s easy to explain but when you have to work in alchemy you must by yourself examine all the problems to find your own path and the things that you’re wanting knowledge of. I will give you a small example and if you work you will understand. This is done so that you will see no other explanation in books that may be very useful for you to work with it. Any problems?

Q. Question about carbonic acid and quartz comparison.

A. O.K. If you have quartz and you have it in your pocket all the time then it will be very harmful.

Q. So where will you put it?

A. You put it on the chimney (mantle). A high dose of (carbonic acid) can be harmful.

Q. Question about uranium being of alchemical interest?

A. Of course it’s not in the program, but part of it will be explained on the becoming of man (lecture).

Q. About comparison of carbonic acid and quartz.

A. Patrice: He took the example of the quartz, not because he’s hostile, but he wanted to give a very good chemical image because the chemical image of quartz and carbonic acid gas are exactly similar, (only) the kernels differ.

Q. Is radium useful in alchemy?

A. The elements above 82 are useless in alchemy. The ancients said that number 82 is the top of the sky and in modern alchemy we understand that the ancients know this - we don’t know how - but all the elements above 82 are dead, melted or not.

Q. Do we have any time to talk about the sulphur being necessary to metallic life?

A. If you lack metallic life, sulphur behaves like oxygen, and if you look in nature the ore that is the metal, in great majority, are sulphurs particularly. We’ve been in antimony mines in areas where no volcanoes are, and several hundred meters around the mine you can smell the sulphur. And when you take the stibnite in the mines - in the layers where you pick up the stibnite - it was wrapped in sulphur. The allotropic state of this sulphur is not the same as the current sulphur and as (did) the alchemists I conclude that it’s the reject of the sulphur breathing, that’s dead, and you must not use it in alchemy. When the ore has finished its evolution it goes back up the sephirotic levels, it gets to 3 (Binah) and then it doesn’t need sulphur to cultivate its level. And if you haven’t killed them, all the native metals called the 7 metals crystallize in the cubic system.

Q. Iron and cobalt?

A. The iron is here in the transition level. The iron was spoken of this morning. The iron has for the alchemist 2 interests - Reduction of stibnite to Regulus, and the second is to give the metallic aspect of metallic life, the third is to be able to extract the auric seed from iron.

When it’s an iron sulphur - an ore - O.K. He has not spoken of the transition elements because there is a conflict between the alchemists, but what can be said is that the metals that give the metallic life are here - the electric life - Fire - the iron is most powerful which is in the metal to give the electric aspect of life. There is another way to put the elements, to arrange them, but it will have to wait until science evolves in 2 or 3 hundred years. The real table is a matrix of 12 on 12. It won’t be in the public tomorrow. It will wait.

Q. Will platinum and palladium have any significance?

A. Platinum and palladium are two abnormal metals, and actual science finds problems with this because (the scientists) don’t know where to put them. Particularly palladium. It has the same structure as rare gas and it’s a metal that has the same properties, as palladium is the metal of cold fusion and is a lot of problems for the actual science.

Q. Is it correct to associate the salt, sulfur, and mercury with the proton, neutron, and electron?

A. No! Out of the program! There is a limit, and what has been given (is) for application now, and we won’t speak of what has no interest for this seminar.

We will take a quarter of an hour rest, and afterwards we come back here.


Tape #2 Friday Oct 2nd, 1992
The Caraway Stone
This stone is of this level Hod (points to Mercury sephirah level 8). Marc will explain later on how to make it. What can be said now is that this stone is made on the sulfur crystallized in the system, which we call in France, Rhombohedric. If you want the correspondence Lucille will give it to you the English name of the system. [RH: The system is ’rhombohedral’ in English].

The crystals are imbibed with the essential oils of caraway. The essential oil has been rectified several times and imbibation is done on Wednesday morning just after sunrise. When the stone is done it’s white, and this stone (given this morning) has come to the red (color) because it has 2 years in the incubator. This stone gives experience on this level (Hod, number 8). This level here called Hod has another name called Thoth Hermes. So it will give you information on Thoth/qabala, on Hermes/alchemy. But these will be personal explanations to start your own way. This stone opens this path here (points to tree). This path is the path of Shin the letter of the fire, but you must understand that this name ’fire’ is just like love. And there (path 31) will come the Divine Love path that will let you start alchemy. When you do your own stone the experience will be strictly personal. But since this stone has been done by myself, don’t worry if you see the master of alchemy or qabala appear under my form. In the case you have such experience send a word or a letter written confidential on it and I will answer you personally on this. Only for this, those who have my address can send it to my address, but only for this.

If you recall the quantity that you have in this little paper, you can do it three or four times. If in a month you will do the same experiment as now, but you will take the stone in the hour of Mercury which is one hour after the rising of the sun [RH: on Wednesday]. Because the planetary genius of this level is very active at that time. But wait a month before you do it again O.K.? Don’t take the stone on [RH: this coming] Wednesday or the Wednesday afterward. Wait till maybe you have an experience, if you don’t, wait until the next Wednesday of the month and take it at the hour of the planet.

Q. Is there a reason to take it with red wine?

A. Red wine? Yes, we will explain why. Outside what it looks like is a crystal. When you look at it with a microscope there are always little crystals - they’re very small. These crystals retain Hod fire - held prisoner (is) the fire of Hod. When you take them with wine, the wine helps dissolution of the crystals, when they are dissolved by the wine in the stomach, the wine is a vegetable mercury - that allows to have better transmission of these energies. In that case on the solar plexus.

Q. So red wine is good?

A. It’s better.

Q. Is there some places you must not put the stone?

A. That’s your superstition. I don’t answer that. Apart from alcohol and the stomach acid, nothing can alter it. You can put it anywhere you like, in the oratory, in the fridge, anywhere you want.

We have given the stone because if you have the experience you will be certain that you can start the alchemical path with good success. And if you don’t have the experience it does not mean you won’t be able to go this way, but it’s maybe not the time yet. (Tape fluctuation).


The Caraway Stone (additional note) — Patrice Malézé

Something very important concerning the stone. What’s left in your personal portion, it’s exclusively for you and you cannot give it to somebody else. And if you give it to somebody - are you familiar with what an egregore is? You can have big problems with egregore problems.

Q. Which egregore?

A. This egregore (P.O.N.).

There must have been some misunderstanding here. This information, you can give it to whoever you like, the restriction was concerning this stone (caraway), this thing you have this morning alright? And the second stipulation is not to make money with this information.

The Elements of Crystals
This morning we’ll speak about crystals because if you really want to work on alchemy there is an elementary knowledge on crystals necessary. This is not a complete crystallography course, but what we will give you is what’s necessary for alchemists.

What you have to know first is that in nature 2 states occur. The crystalline one, that’s the state of order, and the amorphous state, the chaotic one. The alchemical experiments are supported by the order state. So, we will speak about certain types of crystals and some rules concerning these crystals, but just what’s necessary for alchemy.

The crystals come from the fact that the atoms have a spherical volume. And you can only put these spheres within 2 types. With spheres like this (shows a cubic pattern) or like this (points to rhombohedric pattern). In reality the spheres don’t touch, they are far from one another, but they always respect these 2 rules of network. These 2 rules of network are the basis, and give 7 types of crystals in nature.

In qabalistic and alchemistic tradition there are crystal attributions that are types of crystals. So every sephirotic level is a resonance level in your inner world. We have not checked every level for reasons I will explain, but I think for 3 of these levels we have to pick experiments that show that the tradition is right. We will then start by explaining every type of crystal conscious of its sephirotic level.

Usually we have marbles that show the crystals so the problem is easier. We couldn’t smuggle them through customs. (Laughs.)

The first type of crystal is the cubic crystal. That’s this aspect (shows the cubic illustration again, Jean goes over to the tree of life). This crystal is on the sephirotic level of Binah (3). And I will try to explain there are 2 types of crystals that are perfect. The cubic one is the most perfect, because all its sides are equal and all its angles are right.

Along the path down to the density of matter, crystals lose their perfection. If you want to work in alchemy, since we are late in the program we want to crunch the program and probably Marc will yell (laughs), if you want to make stones and bring them to a sephirotic level, you must have the corresponding crystal to the self.

I was about to speak on the eternity stone but since we won’t have time I’ll just explain very rapidly. The stone this morning (caraway) was here (Hod, level 8), the stone of eternity is here (Binah level 3). It’s a stone we’re pretty sure of because we’ve tried it and it gives contact with eternity. From the inner point of view, it gives you a certain peek at all your problems. Actually we’re studying an easy way to make this stone. Our researches are to find the easiest cubic network to be found, actually. Yesterday evening I had a hard time finding this word, he (Jean) is the universes greatest shitster. (Laughs.)

So the best cubic crystalline network is sea salt, and this eliminates the problem of having the salt charged with Fire - loaded with Fire. Since the natural sea salt has a load of Fire you mustn’t make a solve coagula on it unless you have water from the water angel or deliquescence from the butter of antimony. [RH: Solve/coagula refers to the process of dissolving a salt in a solvent (solve), and recovering the crystalized salt through crystallization by evaporation (coagula). WARNING: Please note that the butter of antimony, antimony chloride, is a horrible corrosive on the skin. It is easily spread around the lab on gloves to create painful and dangerous surprises later when touched by the bare skin. Washing in plenty of water, and the plunging the hands into rubber gloves filled with ammonia solution is a good tactic.]

Once you have the salt you have the first element of the stone, but now you have to find a sulfur that will accept incorporating into the salt. So you must find a sulfur from a plant of this (Binah level 3) level. But unfortunately these do not give essential oil. Well actually, we’re in a research program to extract this sulfur with hexane from relatively easy to find plants. Once we get the sulfur it will be easy to find and the problem is solved.

If you work in alchemy, some metals and some plants are in resonance with this level (3), but the salt to use is the lead. Concerning plants on this level there is horsetail. If you can make something that will give you an inner experience on this level, it will certainly give you an experience of eternity.

Because in eternity there are 3 types of experience of eternity. The supreme experience is here (Jean points to the path from Kether to Binah). You can’t do much to get it (inner supreme experience), it’s granted if your job has been O.K.

The second type of crystal is already less perfect it’s here on the Chesed sephirah and it’s the quadratic system.

Note: There was a problem of the terms in French regarding crystals, not quite corresponding to the terms used in English. [RH: a summary appears at the bottom of this page]

If you want to go further with alchemical work you must be very careful with the symbolism of things, because nature is protected in every domain, in every reign. We have only right angles here (3) and there (4). That is a symbol Marc is holding there (Marc is holding up a chart) in the quadratic or hexagonal system that is melissa or tin. If you make a stone on this level it’s very delicate. This stone gives esoteric information on the world and with this you can see all the tricks in the initiatic orders, with no exceptions. But for initiation, this stone is of very little interest.

Q. Hard to hear but could be about quadratic level of Chesed.

A. If you work on Chesed magic.

O.K. lets go further down and the sephirah is Geburah, corresponding to Mars, and it’s the orthorhombic system. And it’s the first time that (a crystal) appears at an angle of 60 degrees. From there on we get to the worlds of matter. We start to be in density. On this level, on what was just said, when energies are very, very subtle, the symbolism is a circle, and when they come down their symbolism is a triangle. It corresponds to the 60 degree angle that is here in the crystal. And in the case of this one it’s not a perfect crystal — it melds both of them.

If you want to have experiments of this crystal, the most appropriate plant is Yarrow (Note: The plant Yarrow is under the rulership of Venus, the proper plant for Mars is Madder) and the metal is the iron. The tinctures made with this crystal or the stone on this level gives physical strength and a psychic accent on prowess. Crystals and stones on this level are very quick to manipulate. Because of the psychic level it may bring pride. Not pride, but ego.

Further down, the crystal with Tiphareth is monoclinic. From there on there are 2 series of 60 degree angles in crystals. It’s crystal is gold crystallization, the plant is eyebright, euphrasia. The intrinsic stones and vegetable things of this level can give you the sight of the aura. This is why in French we call them raised glasses.

Then, next down to the triclinic system (7). This system is in accordance with Venus. If you make vegetable stones, elixirs, or tinctures, these give a vision of an inner vegetable world. Very often during the inner experience at this level it’s rather nice because you live in houses in gigantic trees. So if you have that kind of experience that means you are on this sephirah. And it’s interesting because you’re preparing for the upper levels.

Further down we come to Hod, the level of the stone (of caraway) that we gave just now. The crystallized system of this stone can be considered a perfect crystal, because all the sides are equal, every face is constituted with equilateral triangles. This is rather easy to make and as I said earlier this is the symbol of Thoth Hermes. The symbolism of this part of the tree is very important and sometimes it’s the base of the real initiatic sciences. If the ancients gave the name of mercury to this one, it’s because Mercury is the junction between the 2 worlds. This is why the stone lets you have experiences of both the inner and outer worlds. The ancients said Mercury is the messenger of God. And you see the Mercury here (Homer diagram) makes the junction between life energy and matter energy. In your inner initiatic work you must work here until you have the junction with the inner master.

Because the contacts between those that can be established, because once the job has been done contact with the inner master which is between here (Malkuth) and there (Tiphareth) becomes possible. In the symbolism of the tree apart from crystals this (Tiphareth) is the inner heart. It will transmit to your physical body here (Malkuth), but only through Yesod. That’s why initiation is of the brain and heart. If you come down here you get to level (9), the hexagonal crystal. This is important because this crystal buffering things done with this crystal, open with no risk, the doors of the astral world. The symbolism of this crystal is very difficult to understand because on one side if you look from above, it has 6 external atoms. So it’s the symbol of the number 6, the symbol of the hexagram to bring things to the upper and the lower. If you consider it with the atoms in the center it gets you to the number 7. In qabala it’s the septagram with the sun in the middle that is a symbol of things that awaken the powers in you.

On the other hand, this kind of crystal has a very particular body. Because what’s called graphite is carbon crystallized here (9) and in qabalistic texts it says that the upper and the lower are in junction and if you charge the crystallization network of the graphite, it crystallizes in cubic and it gives access there (3) because it gives diamond. The problem of changing graphite into diamond is just a crystallization problem. See the treaty of tinctures of Mr. ----- (request for name of treaty) it’s delicate, it’s a very high level experiment. Once we are down here (10) there is no particular crystalline network because all crystalline networks are on this level and according to the type of body of the crystal of this world we can know its sephirotic value.

There’s something I forgot. The metal here [RH: on level 9, Yesod.] is silver and you will be thinking, and make the junction to the fact that you put silver in the Martial Regulus in order to have it in equality here. When your Regulus crystallizes with the Star it crystallizes in hexagonal here (9). You can reach the White Stone but never the Red one with it. When you will have a certain experience that maybe you have (had) already.

The work with antimony: If you change its crystalline network, and with experience you can follow the sephirotic levels, the Red Stone is possible, only when it’s crystallization is above that (6?) But it’s better to bring antimony to the cubic level. Never attempt to have things crystallizing in cubic, to crystallize above this (3) reign. Because here, you’re in the junction between duality and unity. The (cubic) crystal is somewhere in the lower part of Binah. If you are getting to the higher path the energies of duality cannot reintegrate the energies of unity. There will be a final explosion. That, in vegetable or mineral kingdoms.

One of our friends had taken one of the plants - the only available plant here (level 10) is sundew - and our friend never found the flask or the heating device. Don’t worry when you’re working with these things - say that the Grandfather’s eye is on you - the explosions only occur when you’re not in the lab. (Laughs.)


Q. Did you give a plant for Venus?

A. Alchemilla for Netzach. [RH: Alchemilla is lady’s mantle.]

Note: Plants are given in English/French equivalents in the P.O.N. lessons. And there is a listing of toxic and non-toxic/poisonous plants/herbs there.

For Mercury the best plants are caraway and lavender. Venus - Alchemilla. In alchemy Alchemilla means plant of the alchemists. For Moon it would be veronica. And Earth it would be drosera or sundew.

Note: A correction of sheet R3 should read Water and Earth instead of Air and Earth.

Any questions?

A Summary Added by Russ House:

Level 3 (Saturn/Binah); French: Cubique; English: Cubic
Level 4 (Jupiter/Chesed); French: Quadratique; English: Tetragonal (Quadratic)
Level 5 (Mars/Geburah); French: Orthorhombique; English: Orthorhombic
Level 6 (Sun/Tiphereth); French: Monoclinique; English: Monoclinic
Level 7 (Venus/Netzach); French: Triclinique; English: Triclinic
Level 8 (Mercury/Hod); French: Rhomboédrique (Trigonal); English: Rhombohedral
Level 9 (Moon/Yesod); French: Hexagonal; English: Hexagonal

Theory: The Butter of Antimony
Safety in Practical Alchemy
by Russ House, President, The Philosophers of Nature


This article is being published on the Virtual Alchemical Library to contribute to the safety of those who are drawn to alchemical experimentation. The Philosophers of Nature has granted permission to the Virtual Alchemical Library to republish excerpts from a transcript of one of our practical seminars. The seminar subject matter emphasized laboratory practice of alchemy, and presented much information on one of the possible solutions for creating an animated mercury. We think it necessary to inform readers of these texts of the grave danger in working with metallic mercury, and other metallic compounds without adequate precaution and experience.

The Philosophers of Nature strives to encourage practical experimentation in the Hermetic sciences. In all of our courses, we attempt to identify safety concerns, and to explain their relative risk, so that the individual student can determine whether or not they are presently capable of conducting the experiments that are suggested. Further, we point out, to the extent possible, the means of reducing the risk.

For reasons that should be apparent, it is not possible for our association to present an entire course in laboratory technique and safety that would be meaningful for our students. Such information is easily available on the Internet, and in virtually every used bookstore in the form of academic textbooks for chemistry students.

However, in some cases, the risk of experimentation is such that we develop supplementary papers to alert students to the dangers.

It is imperative that The Philosophers of Nature acts responsibly and takes steps to create an awareness of safety and accountability in the research community. Also, we see it as our responsibility to publish useful research papers that will serve our members today, as well as those who will come after us. This is a delicate balancing act. We consider it necessary to present certain information that will help the student to progressively approach, the Portal of the Temple. On the other hand, some of the experimental work brings with it serious risks. To those who would say that The Philosophers of Nature should not publish this sort of research, I ask this question: "Should we try to stop the distribution of the works of Boyle, Glaser, Newton, the Curies, and Flamel, because of their potential danger?"

Having said this, paths of experimentation using mercury in any form are not suitable for the novice in any case, and are not suitable for even the experienced researcher unless every precaution is taken. Any processes which use metallic mercury or mercury salts (such as chlorides, oxides, sulfides), or ores of mercury are innately dangerous. Further, working with high temperatures to make metallic regulus of antimony exposes the experimenter to risk of severe burns, poisoning from the smoke (primarily antimony oxide particles), and danger of explosion when the nitrates and oxidizable materials are in fusion, or if moisture is accidentally introduced into molten metal.

Please do not begin working on such a path without contemplation of the risk, and a genuine assessment of your present level of skill. You must use safety equipment such as goggles plus a face shield, flame resistant clothing, heavy leather shoes, and flame resistant gloves when making regulus. You must also make certain that there is abundant ventilation (that is, work outside) and be certain that the furnace is cold and no longer emitting metallic fumes when brought inside. A hot furnace can start a fire. It is necessary to keep an orderly work area so that danger of tripping over equipment is avoided. Be cautious of your placement of chemicals - don’t put a hot spoon into the pan of nitre or mixture for the regulus, for example.

Regarding the distillation of mercury... I can not say enough. The vapors of cold mercury are dangerous; when it is being distilled, it is DEADLY! I have not visited any private laboratory that has the proper level of ventilation and safety equipment to permit distillation of mercury indoors. I beg you not to take this warning lightly.

LAB SAFETY: Mercury - A Dangerous Trickster
By Russ House

The purpose of this paper is to make researchers more aware of the properties of metallic mercury. During our seminars, and in certain of our lessons, mention is made of processes using either mercury or mercury compounds, all of which are toxic. If these materials are misused, particularly over a period of time, they will result in irreversible damage to the health, or in death.

The work with animated mercury brings a significant set of problems, which are beyond the scope of this article. First of all, one is distilling amalgam, which creates the potential for exceedingly dangerous levels of mercury vapor in the air. There are, as a result of this danger, issues related to the structural integrity of the equipment used for distillation, which demands airtight seals that do not fuse at the heat of distillation. The processes of washing amalgams, and recovering silver from the ‘doves of Diana’, are examples of other tasks which will require much ingenuity and forethought to accomplish with even marginal levels of safety.

The Philosophers of Nature does not suggest that you perform these experiments, and does not suggest that you ever put yourself, your family, or your community at risk through the mishandling of toxic or other dangerous materials.

I will state a personal opinion, as well. I believe that each of us is working toward our own realization and ultimate freedom, and that each of us must bear the final responsibility for our own actions and choices. It is part of the mission of The Philosophers of Nature to publish information responsibly - it is your responsibility to apply this information appropriately and in safety.

Mercury in Nature

Mercury is an absolutely fascinating metal, which was known to the ancient Chinese and Hindus, and which has been the subject of much interest by alchemists in the both the East and West. Metallic mercury has been found in an Egyptian tomb dating back to 1500 BC. The chief ore is cinnabar (HgS). Today, mercury is extracted from the red mineral cinnabar by roasting the ore in air. Mercury vapor is evolved and then condensed to give the familiar dense, silvery, liquid. Spain and Italy produce about 50% of the world’s supply of the metal. Mercury forms alloys called amalgams with most metals, but not iron, nickel or platinum. While mercury occasionally occurs as the native metal in small globules, it more frequently occurs as a crystalline silver amalgam. The word amalgam comes from the Greek, meaning to soften. Mercury literally dissolves other metals and forms an alloy. While most alloys require heat to allow metals to melt and to mix, this is not so with mercury, which will combine with gold, silver, and other metals at room temperature.

Hazard Alert

Mercury is highly toxic by inhalation (0.05 mg per cubic meter of air) and skin absorption (1 mg per 10 cubic meters). Ceiling values should not be exceeded. The most dangerous forms are as a vapor or in a finely divided state (as caused by a spill or splash).

The effects of mercury exposure have long been recognized as hazardous. In Austria, where cinnabar was mined extensively, miner exposure was recognized as a hazard and the number of days per month that miners could work in the mines was limited. This information was recorded as early as the mid 1600’s. The United States government recognized mercury and its compounds as an industrial hazard in the 1800’s. A mercury compound was then used in making felt hats, and hat making was recognized to be a hazardous occupation. The saying, "mad as a hatter" came into being because chronic exposure to mercury and its compounds leads to emotional instability.

Dispensing and Storage

Mercury should be transferred from one vessel to another over a plastic tray to assure that possible spillage can easily be collected. The metal should be dispensed under a fume hood or, failing that, in a well-ventilated area. Always store mercury in a very heavy duty (heavy walled), seamless, glass or plastic bottle, with tight fitting cap. When mercury must be kept in an open container for any amount of time, laboratory workers will place a shallow layer of water over the top of the metal to inhibit evaporation. Since most researchers only use mercury infrequently, it is possible to store the metal in a heavy-duty bottle placed inside a heavy plastic bag. The bagged bottle is stored in a metal can, the bottle being cushioned with vermiculite. If, then, the container of mercury is involved in fire, or otherwise disturbed, this outer can will act as another barrier to prevent breakage and mercury involvement.

The Effects of Mercury

The most dangerous forms of mercury are as a vapor, or in a finely divided state where the maximum surface area of the mercury is exposed. A mercury spill permits hundreds or thousands of minute droplets of mercury to vaporize and contaminate the air. Mercury can generate enough vapor at room temperature to have a very undesirable effect on anyone exposed to the vapor over a period of time. It is important to understand that mercury exposure is a function of the amount of mercury vapor present and, the duration of the exposure. Elevated concentrations of mercury vapor are possible because the vapor pressure of mercury is relatively low. Even at room temperature, the concentration of mercury vapor may be as much as 200 times the threshold limit value (TLV) established by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).

Mercury is a virulent poison, readily absorbed through the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, or through unbroken skin. Sir Kenelm Digby, a British alchemist, (1603-1665), reported that, "Mercury is so piercing that if you put it on your great toe and then take a ducat (gold coin) in your mouth, the ducat will get a whitish surface."

It is only relatively recently that mercury and its compounds have received publicity as toxic compounds, particularly as environmental pollutants. Mercury has never received the amount of negative publicity, as have other toxic metals such as lead and arsenic. Mercury compounds are retained by tissues and are only slowly eliminated. In 1950, almost 1,000 people were affected by consuming fish from Minamata Bay in Japan. Catalysts containing mercury compounds were used by a local facility to produce plastics, their waste products were being dumped into the bay. The fish in the bay concentrated the contaminant within their tissues until the levels far exceeded those considered hazardous to human health. The symptoms of mercurial poisoning may range from mild gastritis to severe pain with vomiting, and death. Like arsenic and digitalis, mercury is a cumulative toxin, and once it has been absorbed by organic tissue it is difficult to eradicate. It causes damage to the brain and nervous system, causes over stimulation of the glandular system, with resulting overproduction of hormones. It also causes the immune system to be suppressed.

Avoiding Cumulative Exposure

If you work with mercury to any extent, I would highly recommend obtaining a respirator, which is specifically made for mercury vapor protection. Such can be obtained from a source listed at the end of the article for around $100.00 to $140.00. It is important to make certain that the respirator is worn properly to assure protection.

It is unlikely that a single broken thermometer will expose the researcher to life-threatening levels of mercury. Like other heavy metals, however, the effects of mercury are cumulative, since only small amounts of the element can be eliminated at a time by the human organism. For example, numerous thermometers broken and improperly cleaned up over the years could permit accumulation of dangerous levels of the toxic metal in the tissues of the body. Given this danger, every reasonable effort should be made to reduce exposure to mercury. This strategy is the best personal protection for the researcher. One may choose to eliminate the use of mercury thermometers except when a very high degree of accuracy is necessary. Non-mercury thermometers are not as accurate as mercurial thermometers, however, the latter present no mercury hazard. Any mercury thermometer that drops to the floor and breaks will spread mercury in its most dangerous, finely divided form. Any foot traffic then grinds the mercury into even finer particles, exposing more metal and releasing more mercury vapor. This raises the concentrations to more dangerous levels.

Challenges in Cleanup

Mercury is nearly 14 times denser than water, and has a high surface tension. However, mercury has such a low viscosity that it will scatter in every direction when spilled, the droplets rolling and bouncing and breaking into dozens of even tinier droplets. Many of these droplets will not be visible to the human eye. The seams between floor tiles or the crevices that are present in any floor covering provide hiding places for these invisible mercury droplets. Surfaces that are apparently free of mercury will harbor microscopic droplets. Vibrations increase vaporization. Smoking in contaminated areas is very hazardous: tamping a cigarette causes mercury to adhere to the tobacco, and when the cigarette is inhaled, the mercury intake is increased. As the mercury is exposed to air, a skin will form over time, which is an oxide of mercury. The tiny droplets are also easily covered with layers of dust, complicating the clean-up process. Dirty mercury does not easily amalgamate with other metals that one may want to use as part of the clean-up process.

First Steps in Cleanup

In the event of a spill, or if a thermometer is broken, several things should be done at once:

Stop all foot traffic in the vicinity of the spill.
Stop further activity in lab until cleanup is complete.
While in the area, place plastic bags over the shoes to protect them from contamination.
Immediately ventilate the area to provide the highest level of air circulation possible. (Air dilution is part of the solution to a mercury spill).
Second Steps in Cleanup

If a large quantity of mercury has been spilled and there are a lot of visible droplets, then mechanical steps are necessary to collect these. Begin by pushing the droplets together to form pools. This must be done without skin contact, and without stirring up dust. The devices then used to pick up the droplets of mercury would best be something like the device shown in the diagram. The water affords a barrier to reduce evaporation of the mercury. If this is not available, a pipette or a glass tube with a finely drawn tip and a vacuum bulb at the other end might be used to pick up each droplet by applying suction, and then release the droplet into a collection bottle. Certainly this is a long and tedious process, but it offers the best means of collecting the visible droplets of mercury. I have had the displeasure of cleaning up such a spill from the crevice-laden floor of my lab, the cleanup taking just under two hours. It is important to be careful in the cleanup process, since mercury is quite heavy, and will not stay in the pipette as well as water.

Before beginning a mercury clean up, it is necessary to remove all jewelry (rings, watches or bracelets) which could possibly come in contact with the spilled mercury. This preliminary stage does not collect all of the mercury, particularly the invisible droplets hidden in the crevices. The purpose of this first step is to collect the largest, most visible droplets, while avoiding the spreading of dust in the area of the spill since the dust will limit the success of the following steps.

Third Steps in Cleanup

The next step in the collection process is to form an amalgam with the mercury that remains in the crevices of the benchtop or the laboratory floor. Zinc metal dust is recommended to form an amalgam with the mercury. The mercury droplets exposed to zinc will form an amalgam that can be swept up and more readily discarded. The use of the flowers of sulfur has been reported to be almost totally ineffective in combining with the mercury. If, however, there are those who have had good results using sulfur, we would like to hear from them. General experience has been to classify the use of sulfur as ineffective.

Devices such as the commercially available mercury collection sponges are effective because zinc metal is woven into the sponge, permitting the mercury to amalgamate with the zinc. One begins this step by sprinkling zinc metal powder extensively in the area where the spill occurred. It is said that zinc metal powder works more effectively in the presence of dilute acetic acid. You may dampen (but not wet) the zinc metal powder with 1/10 normal solution of acetic acid. The zinc dust will expand and make an unpleasant odor. This mixture must not be made up ahead of time and stored, as containers of wet zinc metal powder have been known to explode. It may help to work the zinc into the cracks or pores of the contaminated surface with a broom or brush, if this can be done without risk of dirtying the zinc and the mercury. Dirty mercury simply won’t amalgamate. Wait at least 24 hours for this zinc metal dust to form an amalgam, or at least wait until the zinc metal powder is dry. Then, carefully sweep up this material.

If there are many crevices and cracks in the floor which trapped small droplets of mercury that cannot be picked up by the suction device, and which were not entirely recovered by making an amalgam, one may wish to seal over the cracks with a thick covering of floor wax or an aerosol hair spray. The resulting covering will dramatically reduce vaporization.

Evaluation of Cleanup

Even this process will not get rid of all of the mercury. To see if the levels are now within accepted safety guidelines, one can purchase a hazardous vapor sniffer. To use these, the tiny ends are broken from a detection tube containing specialized indicator chemicals, and a quantitative amount of air from the room environment is drawn through the tube using a calibrated hand pump. The tube is calibrated so that the amount of color developed, is a quantitative indicator of the amount of mercury vapor present. The measurement is both qualitative (color change) and quantitative (length of color change).

Other Concerns

A vacuum cleaner should never be used to clean up a mercury spill! Mercury will have a corrosive effect upon metallic components of the vacuum cleaner, but more significantly, the vacuum cleaner literally creates a mercury aerosol which pumps the mercury vapors right back into the room you’re trying to clean up. Mercury’s most dangerous form to human health is as a vapor or in finely divided droplets. There are special vacuum cleaners made specifically for the purpose of handling mercury. These closed system devices include a trap, which collects the mercury and prevents it from re-entering the environment. Special filters are an integral part of such a mercury vacuum and are routinely changed after a specified level of mercury exposure. These vacuums are very expensive and are out of reach for most individuals.

Broken mercury thermometers in an oven can flood the lab with dangerous mercury vapor. If a mercury thermometer is broken in a heating device, immediately throw open all windows and provide maximum air ventilation. Even if no mercury is visible in the appliance, the appliance should be transported to a hood or out of doors and operated at full temperature to drive off any residual mercury.

Mercury metal cannot be, and should not be disposed of in a landfill, or by placing the metal down a drain. You may wish to consult your local industrial yellow pages to find a firm that accepts the return of mercury for reprocessing.


Chemophobia is the fear of chemicals. Our intent in this article is to provide more knowledge about mercury - the sort of knowledge that can destroy fear. When used under responsible conditions and controlled by a responsible and well-informed researcher, mercury can be an important part of laboratory research. One can not render mercury safe to work with, but one can create an environment and a sense of caution and responsibility, which will reduce risk.

Source for Safety Equipment: Lab Safety Supply, +1 (800) 356-0722. Has extensive catalog of lab and industrial safety equipment, with respirators, mercury spill kits, mercury monitors, and associated equipment.


Flinn Fax safety notice, 1987 by Flinn Scientific, Batavia, IL.
Chemical Technicians’ Ready Reference Handbook, G. Shugar, R. Shugar, L. Bauman, R. Bauman, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1981.
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 65th Edition, CRC Press, 1985.
Encouragement and reminders from researchers associated with The Philosophers of Nature.
The grim reminder of the occasional accident.
As you will see it’s a very touchy product because even with a lot of experience you can burn your skin. [RH: Sadly, experience proves this statement to be true. The best remedy I have seen for burns on the hands is to run copious amounts of cold water over the hand, and then to put on a loose-fitting rubber laboratory glove and to fill it with an aqueous solution of ammonia. It is better to avoid the trouble... after this seminar my lab was ’booby trapped’ with deposits of butter of antimony and I would often have burns and not know where I had touched the material. I had to wash all lab surfaces, drawer handles, faucets with ammonia.] Please never touch the glass without gloves, wear always glasses. The butter of antimony has several uses. This, the butter of antimony will be very useful in the Urbigerus path, it’s a very rapid path. I already said, but I will give you enough to develop it now because we have not done any security questions. But the butter of antimony has other interests. When the weather is very dry you cannot make the angel water with potassium carbonate, it does not work. The butter of antimony will deliquesce in the driest African desert. At anytime of the year, the deliquescence is very fast. A few hours are necessary. You must distill the deliquescence water that you get from it. The other advantage is that is more penetrating and more powerful water than you get from the water of the angels. And if you’re very careful once you have the sophic butter - eternal. And for every distillation of the deliquescence, you keep the butter.

And you have to be very careful, a few drops of water on the butter transforms it to algaroth. And algaroth is a hassle to put back into butter. You will see the apparatus outside. This tube here and here - a tube inside it. This is filled with fresh stibnite and some fresh scoria. This is heated at between 240 and 260 C and the butter will come in the flask beneath. You just put a pan with cold water - there’s no need to refrigerate. To get the fresh chloride there’s 2 possibilities. First you make a cold attack of the sea salt with sulfuric acid, but you get a much better butter if you make a hot attack on the sea salt with nitric acid. So you have to have a heating device up there and the reaction occurs between 70 to 80 C.

Afterwards this seems very simple but rather simple. I repeat it gives you an advantage to have a deliquescence phenomenon - we can get the solar fire in the air that comes to the distillation water afterwards and with this water you can load the crystal useful to make a stone. Marc will give details of this afterwards. Now we’ll show you the butter right now. This is butter but don’t eat it. Laughs.

Distillation of the Animated Mercury

Lecturers: Jean Dubuis and Patrice Malézé
Translator: Patrice Malézé
Commentary by Russ House is indicated as [RH: ...]

Note: Bad microphone, and sometimes no microphone on this first part.

O.K. We’ll give some more information on distilling the mercury and the amalgam. Well, there’s some preparation to distill the amalgam because it takes some time to heat the flask. There’s several ways of doing it. This (drawing by Yves) is the first one. Different ways are necessary because the mercury or the amalgam boils at 260 C. At this temperature the Pyrex flasks are not very solid to distill like this (first way). You need a sand bath to protect the flask.

A second way of doing it (distilling) is to distill in a quartz flask that would support the temperature with no problem. It’s very costly - a quartz flask. The third way of doing it is to distill with vacuum. It’s the way I use personally. If you have a good apparatus the mercury boils at 180 C and there’s no more problems with flasks. The vacuum pump is really cheap. You go to the garbage (rummage) and get an old fridge and take the pump out, because usually when you have a fridge that doesn’t work it’s usually the temperature that’s broken and the pump still works. And in 1 or 2 hours with a fridge vacuum compressor we can make a device that will give you a real good vacuum. And it’s very cheap.

When you’re very rich like I am, you take one (100 ml distillation flask) and what’s more you need to buy a hammer, because you cannot get the silver out of here (flask) so you have to break it every time. If you don’t want to break the glass you mix the amalgam with sand. In the case of the mercury don’t break the flask though.

You should be well equipped for these operations. Because once you’ve gone through the first Eagle, second, or third, you can have a control of the quality of this work. Because if you have a good distillation train you can sacrifice some of the animated mercury and you see that there is sophic gold in it. By distilling it as we spoke of yesterday. But this is approximate because it depends on a lot of things. But after the 2nd Eagle if it was well done with a month of incubation we can get 40 milligrams of residual gold. You mustn’t tell because it’s the first matter of the Stone.

We’ll see a practical way of distilling on mercury and amalgam and if there aren’t any questions on this thing then we can go ahead. First of all we’ll say a little on security of this thing. Mercury fumes are very toxic, they condense here (C), for the greatest part. If they are not, then they come down this tube here (T1) tube 1 O.K.? They cannot evacuate without coming up to this height of water (B) and there’s a tube that condenses at 150 C that cannot go through 50 cm of water. So here (T2) no toxic fumes can come. It may be an inconvenience of the process because these fumes allow for actual trips. (Laughs.)

(Patrice) I also work on these Eagles and what’s more I am the translator, but I also work on this path O.K.? I have simplified this thing here which is - of course I still have this sand bath here which is easy and this is a can so it costs nothing. To avoid all these things (points to tubes etc.) I’m pretty lazy so I thought that maybe I’d take this cork out here to wash this tube and it’s a hassle because sometimes you would break this tube. So what I did is use of course this tube here (natural distillation flask tube) around this tube (of former drawing). I put another one around O.K.? Considering what he (Jean) said about the water for the gases to come out. Note: Patrice shows an apparatus he designed to simplify the original apparatus shown.

Any questions?

(Jean) You must be very careful of the security of this distillation train. Note: Caution must be observed that the mercury does not solidify in the neck of the distillation flask from cooling. It’s better if the neck of the flask is at a 90 degree angle to reduce this build up from occurring there. If you’re very careful this distillation is not risky.

Q. What is the purpose to make the little balls? To make it come over?

A. When you do the amalgam it’s like butter, the same consistency. You make little balls. They would become hard rapidly, you can put them here. Usually you can’t pour them, it’s a technical detail. Once the amalgam is done it takes from 1 to 3 hours after it’s washed. You crush it because you can’t make the little balls anymore. It becomes solid, so you have to go through that. They are putting sand here (in the flask with balls of mercury amalgam) so that they don’t make a block (in the neck of the flask). Because otherwise there’s a block right here. The only way to get this out is nitric acid or breaking the flask. And one more detail is the amalgam is heavy, if you drop it in this flask it’s only thin glass, it breaks.

Q. How can you measure the temperature during distillation?

A. Jean draws a thermometer inside the end of the flask neck. But you don’t have to have (use a thermometer). A thermocouple in a glass tube so you have a glass tube and the thermocouple. (Jean draws an electrical controlled device).

If you’re smart you can have an electrically controlled unit and you’re off! And then there’s an electric control on the vacuum here. You put everything at 8 o’clock at 8 in the morning - go to sleep and at 11 it’s done.

Q. Temperatures with and without vacuum pumps?

A. Without 360 C and with 260 - 280 C. It depends on the pump because it depends on the vacuum you’ve got. The fridge pump gives up to 50 mm of pressure.

Q. How much mercury should be added to the Lunar Regulus.?

A. It’s not critical. It doesn’t matter if you have too much. Generally you cannot draw all the energy from the Regulus. You can go to 2 to 4 times the weight of the Regulus. If you have one of Regulus you can go up to 4 in mercury in weight. That’s about it.

Q. After the first Eagle the silver that’s left behind, you don’t use that? You make the amalgam?

A. Yes you do - you make the amalgam and do it again.


The Black Suns
[RH: The Invisible Suns or Black Suns offer certain practical advantages. Jean is presently developing a course which will explain the theory and practice more clearly than can be derived from this transcription. The course will be translated and made available through The Philosophers of Nature.]

Note: Here SV is the visible sun and SI is the invisible sun.

Every area in the world has 2 foci. The orbits of the planets are elliptic so they have 2 foci. For every planet one of the foci is the sun, the other is something called the black sun or invisible sun. Generally, we have seen in nature only the visible phenomenon. The visible effects would order (command) the invisible effects, and the visible takes orders from the invisible. For instance, for the Moon, but the occult effects of the Moon are under the head and tail of the Dragon effects, and these belong to the much less visible effects. In our solar system, and here on the earth, the visible effects are the heat, light, and all these things...

But the alchemical Fire and all the invisible energies belong to the black sun. We will explain a bit, the black suns of different planets. (Jean draws a line) The distance between the SV and the SI depends on the (transits of the ellipses? orbits?) For instance, for Venus which is a very special case in the solar system, its ellipse is merely a circle, so Venus has no black sun, because its black sun is included in the sun.

Considering the earth, our black sun would be the proportions here for the earth (B2) the ellipse of earth is not very flat and the difference between the SV and the SI is really small.

You could look at another level here. The size of the SV, we can see that the SI will be hidden during all the periods by the SV. When the earth will be in this position (Jean points to nine o’clock position of 360 degree circle). During the winter solstice the SI will be hidden by the SV. In a sense there will be an eclipse of the SI. During this period all the occult and invisible energies will be very weak, so it’s not useful to work on the alchemical, mystical, or chemical sides of the work.

If we consider the distance between the SV and the SI, and the diameter of the SV, the distance between the 2 suns is about 5 times the diameter of the SV. I won’t bother you with all the calculations, but I have reckoned that the SI’s influences are canceled around roughly 12 days, around the winter solstice. So you don’t have to work during this solstice. The influence is like that of the Moon, it’s progressive. The invisible forces decrease progressively. ----- of days we can take that the occult force starts decreasing 12 days before the solstice and that they are reestablished only 12 days after the solstice - about (approximately).

During the summer time, the SV reigns directly on earth, that’s why in the summer solstice, solar fire emitted by the SV is maximum. Every planet has an SI and if you apply ephemeral astrology to crystals and you apply it to qabala you must take it into account. But the SV of each planet is different from ours. Only particular things we’ll speak of today because we’re short on time. The one that we are allowing today is the Saturn black sun.

We have spoken of a Stone of Eternity this morning, and we will not speak on this again because we have not much time and we think we have more important things before that. But we can say the following things. Saturn’s SI is at a distance from the SV but traces out of the orbit of the earth, but very close to it, because Saturn’s orbit is huge and it’s very flat. (Jean draws a circle with a cross at about 10 o’clock). The cross would be the black sun of Saturn. The ellipses of the planets are not equal, the ellipse of the earth - there is a certain angle of the perihelion, the perihelion has a certain ellipse.

It’s about 150 million km between the sun and the earth (at the medium belt) and the black sun of Saturn is about 157 million (Km) and the perihelion are roughly about 10 to 12 degrees difference. So that - O.K. (Jean draws it at about 9 o’clock) it’s more like it’s here (10 o’clock) the black sun. So it’s between 10 - 12 days before the winter solstice, so that maybe between the first, the second, or the third Saturday of September, say the second (Saturday) we will be closer to the sun. But for this year we will probably get this from an American table. This black sun of Saturn is the one that emits all the mystical influences of Saturn. And at that time chances of contact with eternity are maximum.

Because it’s the black sun, Saturn’s black sun that gives contact with this energy. If you don’t have an adequate cubic stone, you can do the following - and if you know the qabala - so I think it should be the best on the 2nd Saturday of September. Before the sun rises you evoke the 4 names of Kether, the 4 names of Chesed, and after the sun has risen, you invoke the 4 names of Binah, and at every hour you invoke the 4 names of sephirotic levels, and you invoke the 4 names. O.K. There was a misunderstanding there between Kether and Chockmah - then every hour after that Binah, Chesed, Geburah... When everything is done and when you come to Yesod you invoke the 4 names of the earth. You only invoke Aretz and wait.

If everything has been properly done you have a very good chance of it (eternity experience) coming. It’s not as good as a stone (of Eternity) but it’s a good solution. Adonai - ha - Aretz. People who practice qabala know (what this name means).

I think you will find no explanations of these black suns in a book. I give you only the basics to start working but anyway in the American C.R.C. Handbook of Chemistry you find all the positions of the black suns when you can read it. And you must be careful when you work to choose the right times for the black suns. Because the black suns are at the maximum occult aspects when they are closest to the earth. The most influence is Saturn.

Q. I assume these SI’s have no tangible quality.?

A. No. But you can find their positions astronomically because for all ellipses you know the big diameter and the small diameter and from there on you can determine all the positions and the black sun will have to be on this line here. (Diameter line) For instance, if it were the earth here (draws a line at 12 degrees) Saturn would be here. There is 12 degrees here - 10 and 11 degrees. You don’t need to visit the astral world to make these calculations. You have the table of the angles and the distance. 159 years. You will have the calculations with you here (B1) and this comes from the CRC table. We have given only the times for Saturn to detect its useful rules.

Right. Now I’m very tired. Do you know what this solar fire is? Because I say in all my lectures that the food in the world that contains the most solar fire is red wine. So I will get some and get better. (Laughs.) We’ll now show you practically distilling an mercury amalgam. That the mercury we have in the flask here is already good and it will allow the one who wants it to have a first start.

Tape #3 Saturday Oct. 3rd 1992
Stone of Eternity - more about the Plant Work - Horsetail and Hexane
You just got the page (E1). We have to explain the right column. You must use hexane, you find it in the chemistry shop. So what you do is take horsetail and put it in a Soxhlet, you circulate it with hexane. Afterwards you evaporate from the flask under the Soxhlet and you evaporate until you get to a substance that has the quality of honey. And this is the sulfur. You pour absolute alcohol on it, and half of it will go over. We can see everybody how to extract the sulfur from horsetail with hexane and you pour alcohol in (the flask). You shake it and the alcohol fills with the sulfur, and the alcohol will dissolve the sulfur O.K.? Then you have an alcohol with sulfur and it remains half of it (flask half full). And once you evaporate the alcohol you can get the sulfur by itself. Is it clear?

Q. The color of the sulfur is?

A. Green.

In the middle column (E1) instead of taking the salt of the plant you take potassium chloride and crystallize it several times with the fire water. We found that in the salt it is not only potassium carbonate but there is also potassium sulfate and potassium chloride. Now potassium chloride crystallizes in the cubic form which is very interesting, for the stone we’re interested in. So this potassium chloride has no life, it’s dead. This is why we have to reintroduce life into it. And it’s done by solve coagula and the fire water i.e. angel angel water. What we used O.K.? And that’s it. You get to the crystallization and you imbibe it. Voila.

We’ve been doing what has been possible to be done in this seminar, and since I am the originator of the L.P.N. [RH: Now Philosophers of Nature] course I feel responsible. We have come from France to bring you what we could bring, but I think we will ask you not to be late tomorrow morning because we will try to give you the two last things we can do. Tomorrow I’ll try to explain what is the Secret Fire, that is the main tool for alchemy. And then we will make a rather long and complicated exposure of the Becoming of Man.

I think it’s a very exact description of the initiatic becoming of Man through time. If I can get all the properties of these problems you will have the tools for the journey and the map of the journey. We won’t be able to have practical problems tomorrow because we have practical problems ourselves, and even with the longest qabalistic formulas we have not been able to convince Air France that they should postpone the departure. (Laughs.)

We found you very nice and we hope we will be back soon.

The Secret Fire
This morning’s lecture will be on the Secret Fire and you will not have the handout. You’ll have them afterwards. Since on the paper there (D1-D5) following next to a contact I change a lot of what was expected. [RH: Inner contacts change the course of the lectures from the intial plans.] The Secret Fire is something very interesting, because it doesn’t exist. Truly, apart from the 4 elements there are no other powers in nature. All the energies in nature are varied aspects of the 4 elements. And what the ancients named the Secret Fire is actually the secret use of the Fire. So we’ll only speak about this and all it’s aspects.

The first thing you must know is that the so-called Fire has to be set, then it has to be risen in power, and in certain cases it has to be animated. So we’ll see one after another, all these problems.

The Fire energy comes from the invisible sun as (does) all the invisible energy. I spoke of that yesterday. It’s a general rule that the invisible energies come from invisible things and the visible energies come from the visible things. The Fire energy on the earth is emitted by what we call the invisible sun or the black sun. And it comes to the earth’s atmosphere. And then this energy is undetermined and this is the first thing we are going to see now.

For instance, if this energy is caught in air’s wetness or in water it remains undetermined. If it’s freed by the vegetable leaf, the Fire energy will be determined to the vegetable kingdom. If it’s freed or drunk it will be set to the animal kingdom, and the water that comes to the earth will be generally set to the mineral kingdom. In our alchemical work we will need the Fire energy. So you need to set the Fire and then determine it according to what you want to do with it. In our L.P.N. paper we have published a column explaining how to get the wetness of the air as water. And this water contains an undetermined Fire that stays, and you can set it where you want, for instance, by dissolving the necessary salt in this water. But some other methods exist to get the Fire, where determination is automatic.

Before this, I forgot a little detail. Dew - the condensation of water contains an undetermined Fire that allows for gur and Archæus experiments. But if you work in alchemy this will give you very little Fire. To have enough Fire for our work there is only deliquescence. We can practically not obtain Fire by deliquescence in the animal kingdom. And we will not thoroughly go through this aspect, since for essentially ethical reasons, we have never spoken of animal alchemy in our lessons, except for correspondence (lesson) 30 of the mineral lessons. That is the only appearance of animal alchemy we learned and one that he ----- and I think that we should never attempt to do experiments on the animal kingdom.

To get the vegetable Fire the best method is to get what the ancients called calcined tartar. According to modern chemistry, this is potassium carbonate. And we explained yesterday in the Mendeleiev table of elements, that potassium is the element that determines things in the vegetable kingdom. Since potassium carbonate can be very easily deliquesced, it’s put to deliquesce during springtime and you get a liquid that the ancients called oil of tartar. This deliquescence must be distilled and then we get water that’s called Angel Water. It’s ordinary water, but it’s loaded with vegetable Fire. I’ll explain afterwards what we can do with it.

The second practical deliquescence - I’m not speaking about theory - I’m talking about practice and what we’ve tried - is the butter of antimony one. The butter of antimony will give you a very unique Fire, consider it as universal. That is, the alchemical product that you can get from the deliquescence of the butter of antimony can be set 2 ways. Simply by the temperature of the incubation afterwards. If the incubator is at 40 C the vegetable life will develop. If the incubator is at roughly 90 C the metallic life will develop, but the vegetable life is destroyed. I’ll repeat again, to determine afterwards if you want Fire to be set to mineral, you must dissolve salts in angel water, it’s a problem according to your path, but if you want the Fire to remain metallic you must not dissolve the salt containing potassium. The different salt you can use to get the metallic Fire will be sulfate.

If you take dead copper sulfate, the ones you use to cure vines for instance, you dissolve it in angel water, you will have a Fire charged in the Netzach world. This is the determination of Fire. For beginners I think this is enough, but we can have a more complex exposure of this later on. We don’t have time now. The second problem is that you have to get this Fire, and the power of this Fire has to be great to get it to go up the sephirotic levels. There are different methods. For instance, yesterday we explained how to get the Fire to go up by successively melting the antimony. But in liquids, the best would be several distillations. And these several distillations allow the sephirotic level of the Fire to raise.

In the case of alcohol this problem is often not solved. That is, if you really want to have a useful alcohol for a stone you must free this Fire by at least 7 distillations no matter if the alcoholic degree raises or not, it’s not a very liberating effect. It’s the invisible energy of alcohol that raises. If you raise properly your alcohol up to 6, 7, or 8 (times) you have a peculiar phenomenon, some yellow drops of oil appear on the alcohol. Not on the one that’s distilled, but on the one you distill. You must eliminate these drops. The ancients would call it death oil, and when you’ve gotten rid of this death oil the ancients say that you have the water of life. ("Eau de Vie")

This is said for the vegetable mercury (alcohol), so you raise the vegetable Fire by distillation. We’ve now seen determination of Fire and raising it farther, now we’ll see another point of view, which is its animation. Which is something different. I have not spoken of Fire in the mineral extractions, because it’s a complex problem that maybe we can see in another seminar. What must be understood afterwards is that fundamental - and that if you want to make proper stones, mineral or vegetable, the Fire provokes, makes the evolution of the stone. But the Fire has 2 states. In it’s normal state we could say it has something but it’s not really animated and in this state it’s not strong enough. But when you put your tincture or your stone in the incubator - and the temperature is at the proper temperature 38, 39, 40 C for the vegetable, the Fire will have grown a new property inside that will make things evolve. The best comparison you can get is the egg and the hen. And this is why the ancients probably called the incubator the flask of the philosophical egg. So when the inner Fire is awakened through the effect of the ordinary fire, the evolution of your substance starts, like the evolution in the egg.

During all the length of this evolution the Fire becomes very, very fragile. As with eggs, if the temperature is broken (varied or stopped) everything fails. In the work you cannot break down temperatures until the work is done. And just as the chicken hatches it must have a healthy temperature - the work is similarly a healthy temperature. For instance, a vegetable stone that’s done can be between 0 C degrees and 90 C degrees with no risk.

A very special property of the Fire that’s very secret - I’ve never found it in a book - is that the Fire has the property to open substances according to the alchemical sense. And I’ll describe an experiment we have done on this and that shows pretty well this. If you want to make a stone on this level (Hod), you go to a chemistry shop and you buy a salt that has potassium and that crystallizes in rhombohedric, and then if you dissolve this salt in water, purify it, crystallize it, on Wednesdays on the hour that follows the rising of the sun, you try to imbibe it with the sulfur of this level, the essential oil of caraway, and you will see that it does work.

If the salt does not open you take potassium carbonate, deliquesce, distill the deliquescence to angel water and dissolve this salt in the angel water, crystallize it and the Fire of the angel water has vivified the crystals. Do the same experiment on Wednesday morning and you see that the salt is able to drink the sulfur (essential oil of caraway). The ancients say that the salt has opened the pores of the substance. We think we gave the butter of antimony because we think that it’s something to think of in the future. And agreeing or disagreeing with the boss, we won’t pause for answering questions because I already heard that next to yesterdays stone experience people telling me about their very funny experience. So if you had something that might be felt - did you have any special dreams yesterday?

(Note: some dream experiences were shared with the group at the seminar.)

Questions on The Secret Fire
Does anybody have any questions on the secret fire?

Q. In your lessons you mention there’s a vital pressure that’s used in specific ways to create something. Is this the Secret Fire?

A. Any way, if the Secret Fire is not there, life isn’t. The Secret Fire set to the animal kingdom animates life. In the animal kingdom the Fire is in the blood. That’s why (in) the ancient Hebrew scriptures (they) would wash the meat to get rid of the Fire in it.

Q. When you’re going through the distillation to raise the level and the death oil appears do you just filter that out or ...?

A. No. The ancients say you have to have a goose feather to remove it O.K.? Here nowadays it would have to be a decantation, that would be the best.

Q. (Question about determining the fire with butter of antimony to the mineral realm or determining the vegetable realm with potassium carbonate.)

A. Yes. It’s set to the vegetable kingdom with potassium carbonate. It was said yesterday in the Mendeleiev table that column 1 elements were the ones that determine the kingdom. Potassium to the vegetable kingdom, sodium to the animal kingdom, etc. It’s very complicated from the chemical point of view. If we have copper, silver, or gold it would be determined immediately on the metallic world. No details - it’s a very complex chemical problem.

Q. (A question not easy to hear about using potassium chloride or potassium carbonate.)

A. Whatever you want—You take care with potassium chloride. Whenever chlorine is present in alchemy you need to be very careful, because the chlorine can contact the life kingdom in a different way. This is not in accordance to what actual science says but it’s interesting. (Jean draws atoms of different patterns.) This I will explain here comes from experiments I have done, but we’re not advanced far enough to be sure of what this means. All that’s vegetable or animal life is in organic chemistry. It’s the organic chemistry, the carbon chemistry with 4 electrons. (Note: Here the microphone went out completely. This is where it comes back on:) We think, but we’re not absolutely certain. In alchemical processes, but not in chemical processes the chain of 8 of the ----- acid splits into 2 and gives 2 times 4 that settles it back to the vegetable kingdom. I can’t be certain on this, but the operations on the butter of antimony, the oil - that act in the mineral kingdom make me think that’s what happens. But until now I cannot show this to people from the profane science or scientists. But transforming hydrochloric acid and carbon at night with the butter of antimony is certain, I’ve done it!

In 1 or 2-3 years a better explanation (will be possible), after experiments that are very dangerous. If you have any further interest in these questions and you have any further knowledge, the equilibrium of the balance of energy in the (scientific) journals does not fit. So if profane science was right the experiment should be radioactive. Since I work in nuclear (science) — and I made myself some radioactivity detectors — I know there’s none (radioactivity). So the alchemic sulfurs done with no radioactivity, but we have today no proper explanation for this. Maybe in 2 or 3 years we will.

(Note: There are 2 questions here that cannot be heard.)

A. The governing of solve coagula always raises the levels, same thing with sublimation and distillation, and when ammonium chloride is risen it can, but only then, extract the auric seed from the antimony scoria.

Any other questions?

Q. (Can’t be heard.)

A. Niter can be - potassium nitrate. O.K. (Laughs.)

Q. (A question about first beings and the quintessence.)

A. Quintessence is not something that exists by itself. It exists when the 4 elements are in balance in the substance. We will be speaking about this coming back up the initiatic path and at that time I will tell you about when Man is in the state of quintessence. If I forget just remind me.

Q. (Can’t be heard.)

A. The Secret Fire is only... Only the first column can determine the Secret Fire - the 5th can have an acceleration for things, but there’s no ... It does not determine Fire. Column 5 is the niter in nature. All kingdoms work the same way, when maybe you want to accelerate the vegetation you put nitrate as a niter for oxygen.

A great alchemical key is to compare kingdoms to one another and it gives a lot of keys. One of these days we will speak on this more - someday we will speak on matrices. And in this system we make a mineral earth, we make a mineral water, we imbibe the earth with the mineral water like the ordinary earth is imbibed by the water of the sky, and when you put the seed in it, the seed develops, and the earth gets weak, and the mineral earth will give you the metal of which you put in the seed. And (keep) in mind with the auric seed it will give a ratio of one dollar of salt for 40 dollars of nitric acid. (Laughs.)

The Becoming of Man - Jean Dubuis

Parting Thoughts
Patrice: To begin with we won’t answer your questions. Jean just makes the lectures when he is inspired, with direct contact and when he cannot follow the programs of earth. That’s why he finds problems with all organizations.

Patrice: This morning he realized he had forgotten an important point and this is very important, that everyone should understand.

Jean: When you’re in the unity, the beginning, there is no possibility of formation because when there is no space/time there is no experience. There is a global vision of the whole - then we go for an experience - which means that, from our conscious that was null - it becomes infinite - but it can only be done through the worlds of duality like here in this one (here on earth). The only reason we are down here is to structure our consciousness. If we ever come back here, I will explain the concept that the work we have been doing here on our own consciousness, begins to be transferred to the inner worlds. And afterwards when everything has been done we have started at like a zero, or unconscious being and in the end we’re the same being but we’re entirely conscious and infinite. But we have done it all by ourselves.

I thought afterward that I had not insisted on the fact that all the creation is the work of man’s conscious, who creates all this in order to allow us to assume its becoming. We are the Elohim Creators. We create what we need to assume our becoming. There is no creating God in the universe apart from Man. The total creation is a work of Man (men).

There’s a problem I have not spoken of, on which you must be careful because modern magic has spoken at random of this problem. But what is said on the elementals, in fact the elementals are the human seeds that start growing, but known are the human seeds in the state of creation of the element earth. And so on for the four elements. So you will note that there are four kinds of elementals, that they are pictures, the four journeys of man in mineral, in vegetable, in animal. The elementals, the salamander etc. are the experiences of man as he begins to know the divine love through Fire.

You must not get too involved in the numerous superstitions you will find in that. But through what we will say now or in another seminar, since you’re all very nice, you must find by yourself, everything that you are studying in there. There are a lot of symbolic pictures that are true, use them for your path. Do not believe through superstition. In all occult sciences as in alchemy - believe only your own experience.

O.K. We sit a bit!

Any Questions?

Here Hans Nintzel tries to present a qabalistic book that he would like everyone to know about. Jean rejects this at this time etc.

Q. Am I correct in saying that during the summer the energy is higher?

A. Yes.

Q. Would it be better for the deliquescing of the butter of antimony at that time?

A. First of all to explain this properly we would have to have at least 4 seminars here. We have given the elements for people to work. O.K. But of course we are aware that a lot of details are missing, but on the three days we had it wasn’t possible. We believe that elements have been given to walk on the path we know good through experience. And all what was said was what you need to start with, but for the elements afterwards it can’t be given today. So we’ll send you this when we will be 12 miles above the Atlantic. (Laughs.)

Q. Viola Engel - "Could you explain the concept of a holographic universe with the subatomic particles and other dimensions influencing our alchemical work?."

A. Please stand up. Very dear lady, your question is very interesting. I don’t think we could answer it totally your problem today, because I know that to answer you there are lots of elements that I have not given and it’s not by will or secret, but that you have to begin at the beginning. For instance, if you read the sum up of the actual European Nuclear Center, you will see that they come close to this question. Please excuse us that the answer cannot be given here, because it’s impossible.

Q. Would you explain further the qualities and the characteristics needed for the Fire initiation?.

A. Whew! Sssshhh! (rubs his head, laughs) Several systems of initiation exist. I think we have given you the keys to start with, and particularly what we gave in the vegetable kingdom - gives you the inner opening to start with. But after that there is (are) a great number of paths - we explained this problem a little and everybody little by little will be able to go his own way.

Please repeat your question.

During your alchemical work you must reach an inner initiatic contact. When it will be done, for every level we will have what’s called quintessence. Quintessence means that 4 elements are well awakened in one level. I know that from experiences, myself, and lots of other persons, that at that time the Invisible Order, - but not the Order of the earth - will confirm your initiation in this field. I don’t think we can have an Invisible World initiation on an inner qabalistic level, as long as this one (this level), is not in balance of the 4 elements. (Question again) From within.....

The different alchemical paths correspond to different initiatic paths. I don’t know if I have been well understood, but, for instance a White Work medicine gives the balance on one level, there everything is perfect, and then the so-called fire or this level when the balance is perfect. And you get a certain amount of Divine Love once this is done. (Say it again) ....

Catastrophe -

In general when we speak about the qualities of the individual, according to social and religious conventions, moral thinking. The Grandfather, who judges of the initiation doesn’t care a cinch on that kind of problem. He only looks at your heart, if it’s clear, pure, and generous. The rest of it He doesn’t give a damn! But I want to make fun. And when people tell me about problems between men and women, I say that (these are) all conventions on the earth on this subject of fault, because if we believe in man’s conventions for all the irregular cases, then the Grandfather would have a notebook that would be bigger than the universe! (Laughs.) Excuse us.

Any other questions?

Q. Butter of antimony....

A. To have a maximum of Fire in the butter of antimony it’s during the spring equinox and during one or two months afterwards. For all the antimony problems Basil Valentine says - Basil says that you must operate when the weather is fine, that’s what has happened during this seminar - and I think this is true.

Q. What about astrological conjunctions?

A. I don’t believe in any value of classical astrology. For a lot of occult reasons that cannot be explained today because what’s based on astrology here is false because of the actual conditions. But on the other hand we know, is that the astrology of the planetary genius’s is the only one that has not been modified. And aside from this you have to take nothing into account. Nothing for your alchemical work or evolution. The regular astrology consists in waiting for everything to be well placed and with the planetary genius’s astrology you take a stick and hit the planetary genius until he does the work! (Laughs.)

Q. Bill van Doren "You said earlier that Cornelius Agrippa had written a book on the Planetary genii?"

A. Cornelius Agrippa "The Occult Philosophy" has many things in it, but the part that contains the planetary genius’s is pretty good. These are things we’ve started experiencing.

Q. Question about dosage in the third work.

A. Are you familiar with the Homeopathic, it’s not the problem of quantity it’s the problem of presence - of being there. In the wheat field you can put ten seeds, some are good, some are bad, but the wheat will grow. When your not too rich, and careful, take care before working with the auric seed. Because the gold that was used once for the seed is a metal, but it’s dead.

Q. You spoke of getting the seed of gold out of the first scoria?

A. You can get the auric seed by several ways. When you take Urbigerus’s way, that was not explained here because it’s very dangerous, it will be explained in the future. Urbigerus says that gold is the rich man’s path, and the scoria is the poor man’s path. And, you can extract the seed of gold from the first scoria of antimony - you reduce the stibnite to antimony, the other ones you can throw away - you must sort this scoria, only the deliquesced ones are good. In the next seminary when we come, we will show you how to trap these with ammonium chloride.

And you can extract a seed from marcasite and from copper ores. We wouldn’t have said it anyway because we want you to bring us back for another journey (seminar). We couldn’t say anything because of time. So if you ask us to take care of it, we’ll tell you how to get the seed from the marcasite or from the copper ore. The seed extracted from the iron marcasite is not ripe - and going down the sephirotic levels through Tiphareth where it’s ripe - and the excess of ripened seed leads to Netzach, the copper. When you extract from the copper its ripe, from the iron its not. There’s no time here to develop this, but the lunar venusian Regulus is done because you need the auric seed to go back to Tiphareth.

Q. About vinegar of Antimony.

A. Forget it! Next question please... When we started I had a few meetings with Albertus, but when afterwards I met the German Alchemists I threw the antimony vinegar in the garbage. Too bad for you folks I want my place. If you like - we are sure by experience that there is a path that’s relatively easy and that gives initiatic experience to a lot of people. I don’t want to take care of the other paths (half). O.K.? I spoke of the acetates because I think it’s a path we can start working with, but more and more we will go on the animated mercury, it’s the best and the most practical concerning the initiatic work.

We have a rather long to explain research planned - this is the Stone that’s said to be one crucible, one way, one furnace, it’s probably interesting we worked a lot on it. We think that today there are complex technical problems so that everybody can work on it. So you can’t give a simple solution to it. Maybe in six months time - cause I’m having experiences on that, after this study - I might have a solution for everybody, it’s not the case now, actually. Usually, I don’t speak of what I’m working on, and systematically I don’t on what’s being experienced or sometimes if I say I think this is it, I just say I think because I have not tried it. We make a work both theoretical and experimental. Sometimes we give ideas above that, ideas that we think valuable, but what we say is right is only because we have been working on it.

(Jean is) I am very fond of you, and I hope we will come back and hopefully at that time we will give you things that are actually under study, but that will be the surprise.

Merci... Thank the Sky.. Sorry for leaving but this is Air France’s problem not ours.

Patrice: Something more, next to this seminar, you are free to write Jean on personal questions - but usually the answer time is about two months.

The Becoming of Man
I’m going to try to explain to you something that is not really easily explainable. Throughout my life, which has been rather long, I had some contacts with eternity. This is hard to explain in terms of the earth, for reasons that we are going to see. You have been trained to do a work that’s hard to explain. I was able to grasp (this) and experiment. I believe that from that we are able to understand why we’re here on this earth, we can understand the reasons and occurrences of this world and a lot of things that I hope will help you on your personal path.

The first thing to understand is that everything comes from the Absolute. That we are children of the Absolute, and that Man is created through the charity of nature to enable to assume the necessities of his future and becoming. I know that what I’m going to say is not very easy, and if it’s too hard to understand people will be open to raise hands and ask questions.

From the start, the origin, the energy of our origin, there are focal points, and this is only an image, because you can’t give reality. You can compare the thing with a point, which will form crystals in a liquid solution. And each point are the human seed; when I say men, women are included as well of course. And each point which starts from the origin will be anyway an infinite when it returns. I’m going to try to explain to you the trip.

The trip starts there (Jean points to top of chart) on the top. It is above in the unitary world. There’s no time nor space. And under those conditions it is impossible to perform experiments, which enable to human conscience to develop. In order for Man to develop, Man has been forced to go through the worlds of duality where time/space experiments will enable him to forge a conscience. There is no original sin but there is a necessity for Man to create himself. Here (points to chart showing duality level) Man has a name, which I will try to speak to in 2 forms. The qabalistic one (name) Yod He Vau He, and the alchemical one - Fire, Air, Water, Earth.

From the unitary world there is practically no conscience, because then there’s only one possibility of being and the name we get from the absolute being is Elohim. Elohim is not a name, it is the extension that is granted to us. The Elohim are us.

Note: There is an incomplete translation here. Jean has some discussion in French here.

From the origin we have one name, Yod He Vau He, and then there’s every (geographic?) name, every being representing something. This means our structure can mean Elohim, is our function. If we had time to develop (the) qabala it would be the significance of - the significance of Elohim is the qabalistic function (extension). This will be a lot further - that extension from now. This name here (points to chart) is Yod He Vau He corresponding to 2 parts. The cross which corresponds to Air and Fire, which shows the soul, the animating power and Earth and Water, which are matter. We’ll give that in more detail - Niter.

Here - Yod He Vau He - Man has every possibility but nothing within himself. He’s the one who creates himself and creates nature in order to evolve, and advance, or rather evolve and evolve. (again and again)

(brief problem here)

Here (unity), this works Many ways in unity and is called the Garden of Eden, or any idiot name, because in this world of perfection nothing can be done. There must an incredible boredom in this world, that’s why Man has only one possibility. To human sentiment there’s one possibility, it’s to go for his own - (creation) out of himself - creative work. Here we are dealing with a unitary world where nothing is Manifested in order to reach the level of duality. The human seed undergoes a sort of imitation, which enables him to go through the worlds of duality.

You have the name, Yod He Vau He. It’s separated into 2 parts: "Yod" and "He Vau He". This is what was badly translated in the old texts. "He Vau He" is not "EVE" who provoked the Fall, who induced the Fall, but it is the separation of duality which permits to have 2 separate things: "He Vau He" and the animated element "Yod".

In nature when things are correct, doing fine, the animating element, in this case - the problem of Man - wouldn’t have a solution, which is in fact in the world the only big reform. In the world is the attraction, is the universal attraction, and what’s used in word and was hardly interpreted, it is in the fact (that) the word for Absolute tends to have everything integrated within itself and in order to make all this possible, He created Daath, and the sequence of Daath we can discourse. But it’s powerful enough to induce, to force, to start evolution. But to bring down evolution.

To make (this) possible the perfect state of Man was broken, and in a way his new name gives him a name which is against the laws of nature. So that it is not attracted anymore, pushed back in order to descend. A small remark: In Manifested religions this force was personalized and in the qabalistic tests this is called Shaitan (Satan) and this was made into a name of a being, but in reality this is only the quality of a force and it doesn’t exist as a being, just as well in the raising, this force goes towards light. And this was given the name Lucifer, but Lucifer doesn’t exist as a being, but as a force. They are 2 aspects of divine love.

Man then starts to descend. The first element which will be revealed within himself is the Earth element. Then to make it creative in every world of duality he will create the mineral world in which he will be created. He creates the mineral world, there, there, and there. (Jean points to chart) and he incarnates himself within it, within this world. This means that within your dreams, throughout your astral experiences you will note that the mineral world exists in all your interior worlds, which is created by Man.

At every level Man creates the reign, the kingdom, and incorporates himself within it. When Man reaches level 10 Man falls into its structure. The name becomes like this ("Yod" and "He Vau He"); the Yod becomes prevalent. This name in the state of 7 is in accordance with the forces which go up. It will go up through all the stages. And we’ll go back to the initial steps. You know the sephirotic levels of the qabala, the mineral kingdom exists. This will permit a second trip in which the awakening element will be Water, and you will do the same trick creating the vegetable kingdom and we will go up again. (descending and ascending - involving and evolving) When those elements are created in all kingdoms, Earth and Water, which will deal with the creation of the animal kingdom.

This is the first trip of Man. He creates the animal kingdom in all levels, when everything’s created and the world at that time will have the three kingdoms, mineral, animal, vegetable, that were created throughout the human seed in order for him to evolve.

Then within Man and in all levels of Man where you find the 4 elements, the 3 elements, there (Jean puts his hand on the chart showing the 3 elements at the air level of 4, 5, and 6. Note: this chart is called The Energies of Man’s Universe) are awakened. In the beginning of the 4th trip is the true birth of Man as a name because it’s where the self conscience will start. This trip of the Man will be different from the other trips. And it’s said in the biblical sense "They were dressed with beasts skins." That means that the human seed in the 4th trip is directly incarnated within Man in the animal body of Man. But in the beginning of this trip Man is conscious of all the interior levels, which I did not explain previously, is that the consciousness of the level is given the powers.

At the beginning here, Man is a primitive being, but he has a total authority of nature. Time/space practically doesn’t exist. And the consciousness there gives accurate readings of nature, although he’s a primitive being there’s no problem living on the earth. In the beginning there is being, it’s a rather primitive life. Incarnation after incarnation, Man loses conscience of the high levels. And conscience is loosened and lost and there’s a loss of consciousness of levels 4, 5, and 6, which are the ones of the solar astral (world).

In consciousness here and then to #6 (Tiphareth) human civilizations appear. And the descriptions of the Lemurian civilizations correspond sensibly to this level of conscience. You have to be aware of the ancient texts, this was called the Golden Era. And this was a terrible era for humanity. Tradition says that it was the Golden Era because it was the level of the sun, at the level of gold, but you have to bear in mind and remember that throughout his descent Man is reversed and had started to (feel?) the negative aspects of forces.

The descent goes on (points to same chart) 7, 8 and 9. Here are the Atlantean civilizations, which prepare for the birth and outcome of materialism. In this civilization Man has no longer access to his magical powers, but Man has still access to occult practices which deal with superstitions and sorcery, and black magic.

Then Man reaches level 10. This is where most of us are now. The thickness of the veils here and here (points to 2 charts depicting the veils of Paroketh) is that name completely separated from the divine source, perception-wise. The ancients said that at that time God got some rest. It’s a bad interpretation, that in fact a Man is completely separated from the divine world, and he just cannot grasp it, and he’s not open to that.

At that time there’s a primary - there’s something unseen which is coming then, it’s the initiation of the Nadir. Nadir is the point - is the lowest point in the solar system. That means it’s at the very bottom (of involution) and it (you) only ascend from there (evolve). This is initiation of the nadir - and I believe everybody here is going through that now - reestablishing the order, resulting in the interior worlds.

That means that "Yod" is above the "He Vau He"; the universal love will again attract Man, that anyway will have to go all the way up (evolve up the interior levels to unity again). And the problem that we’re dealing with here, and we’ll have the reason why we are here, is that we’re in the process of ascending. The things that I’m explaining are Elohim, so they descend to give you more comfort in this ascending person, and more effectiveness in that person.

Initiation consists in going up the levels of conscience and I believe from the alchemists point of view, and qabalistic point of view you have to understand that the things of the ascending process are similar to the descending process. In particular, in our big trip we have awakened the Earth, the Water, the Air, and the Fire. And when you will be dealing with the initiation process at level 9, which is the first step of the ascending process you’ll have to awaken every individual element per order of Earth, Water, Air, Fire. Unless you have the metallic stone.

The stone starts to awaken the Earth element, you will find that you experience - that you will live and experience troglodyte experiences through tunnels and subterranean life. But little by little - and I know that through experience and through several confidences - we notice that light is raising throughout this type of light.

When the light of the Water element has risen you have to change in matters as an initiating process in order to awaken the Water element and so forth for the Air and Fire. However, I will point out 2 characteristic forces which will enable you to go ahead. When one of your elements awakens to the Air element, you’re flying. The aspect of the sky, dark at the beginning, will clear up, little by little, throughout the process, until the initiation is over. It is specific for which I believe valid for most of the people when the Fire element awakens you have influxes of God love - divine love.

If there are errors or mistakes in your initiating process you have either dreams or reality in matters of teeth O.K.? The letter shin of the fire in the qabalistic world is symbolized by the teeth. The teeth problems indicates that you have to meditate in your initiatic process and there’s something wrong.

Then I have to explain to you what is happening at each step. The best naturalistic way to understand questions is to see that every single world is linked to a planet and in ancient mythology and particularly in Graeco-Roman. The attributes given to the gods are the attributes of Man along those levels (points to chart). For example, (when) Man has reached that level there (4) he has all the attributes given to Jupiter in mythology. I had conflicts regarding that problem with esoteric orders that say that you shouldn’t look for power. It’s not a problem looking for them or not, your own level (in the) initiating process will automatically give you the occult powers of this level. There is no question of being for or against it, it’s just that you have to discern what to do with them and not go crazy about it (them).

If you want to know what you can expect you have to read the Graeco-Roman mythology which details all those things, and which is a good instrument for your conceptions. I’m going to give you some details of this interior world, for the practical aspects you have the sheet here.

Note: The chart referred to here has the eye in the triangle at the top and is called absolute.

Little by little in the ascending process the matter will lose density, but (as) energy increases the time/space weakens in density, but doesn’t disappear, contrary to a lot of religions and esoteric groups. The aspects of men and women doesn’t disappear in the worlds of duality. The (hydrogen???) space will only appear at the end of the trip when you reach unity. There is something which is hard to explain and grasp that I really want to say. When you are in those worlds you see them and you hear and live with them, but your interpretation at the level of this earth is very tricky. Because every single level in these interior worlds, every single level only sets things, which only correspond to some things like here (points to chart), which correspond to salt, because you have your ancient interpretation of things.

For instance, if you have the perception of the qabalistic world of Yesod you will have the lunar aspect of things, not of others. If you have the conscience of Hod you will have the aspects of Mercury, not the others. That’s why you have to be very careful and cautious, that all the interior images are incomplete and that perception for this earth is only valid if you have the same perception at the level of Tiphareth. This explains all the catastrophic prophecies and the numerous errors of all the fortune tellers and soothsayers who don’t have sufficient perception of things.

On the other hand, time/spaces are different which is a hard thing to understand at the level of the earth. There is no automatic time savings between the interior world and the times of the earth.

Note: Translator apologizes for his jet lag.

The perceptions when you have all this, when you have them, is what is called in some schools Akasha. Akasha can only be complete and valid at your own level. It’s very serious to give pieces of advice to others if you don’t have a sufficient level of this world. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

For the duration of this trip if you compare the earth time, which descend and ascend, (this) takes between 12 and 14 billion years living here. But you cannot be afraid of this, the state of conscience is different. I will try in the next sessions to explain this further. One second in the interior world can be equivalent to one time (incarnation?) on the earth here.

Q. Are we here for one life in the physical or are we here for many? Reincarnation?

A. In order to return from the trip you have to go through many incarnations and there are many incarnations: vegetable, animal, mineral. When somebody tells me that this is his last incarnation, I’m saying that there are as many as 500 to go through. I have to rectify a common mistake. For occult reasons, not for reasons of curiosity, but for occult reasons, I have examined thousands of people, and individuals never return to the animal species. Those that say that are ignorant and idiots. (Laughs.)

Q. (Can’t be heard.)

A. Yes. It starts with animal, vegetable, mineral. It’s hard to respond to that question. When the 4 trips are finished, are over, Man returns to the absolute unity. To zero, to start over from the beginning, and becomes the infinite. I will try to explain this further.

When I explain this a lot of people think, how’s he going to tell all these billions of people - to describe this? If you make the experience of eternity you will know this and it’s not a problem. If you try to explain the fact that in eternity there’s no problem of inserting all those thousands of beings - there’s no limit. If you’re interested we can go further. I’ve been trying to associate all these experiences in the current world. I believe that creation is going to one thing but it’s not easy to explain. It’s impossible to explain mathematical knowledge and critical knowledge. Einstein said that there was equality between energy and matter. By the time that you’re ascending, matter will become more fluid and lighter, but the energy increases. The Einstein theory is valid within the interior worlds. And after some experiments in the Einstein equations and the speed of light, by the time you ascend the speed of light and energy increases. The more you ascend the more it increases. When you reach the level there (Level A on chart - Saturn) the speed of light is infinite. And then there’s no space nor time. And the work of creation of the absolute is simply to break the infinite speed of the energy. And he says that your interested in everything on earth, but you just pretend not to (be). (Laughs.)

Q. How is it possible to experience the interior worlds?

A. You don’t experience it, you just live it constantly.

Whenever I want to please women I always do the washing up to (encourage?) the initiation, so that men are doing the washing up also. (Laughs.)

Q. The earth appears to be the only place where conscious beings live, which is Man?

A. Jean doesn’t really want to talk about what’s happening after the earth. But for once he will make an exception. The universe is a gigantic cosmic - the earth is there in this universal matter a (misplaced cell?) All the people have ascended to this interior world and know that the earth is located in the middle of the left side of such existence of the universal Man and there’s a lot of work to be done before it reaches his brain. In the awakening of the initiation of the solar system. O.K.?

Q. You said that the Elohim ----

A. Each trip is done one after another. But each trip is about 12 million years.

Note: Jean opens a forum for any question, having no secret affiliations to prevent his answering.

Q. Do the biological micro-organisms play some role in the mineral kingdom as the yeasts do in the vegetable kingdom?

A. Yes, Mainly. Talking about Kervran in all the animal beings they’re alchemical faculties in their bodies. I’m sure that it’s very true because I insist on eating and drinking everything which is dead. I think it’s the interior alchemist within myself which permits me to be alive.

Q. Question about using wine to take the stone of caraway.

A. In the vegetable stone, the one which was given out yesterday it was rendered red through a long incubation, but it’s not a red stone in the alchemists sense. The red color will come as you charge with Fire. Every time you charge with Fire you go towards red. And the vegetable stone remains in the vegetable world, but it’s just charged with Fire. But it’s not what you call a "fire stone". The energy is in the alcohol itself. But yesterday you had some wine along with the stone because in your stomach the stone dissolved in the alcohol of the wine. The acid in your stomach breaks down the alcohol and then the energy appears throughout your whole body, preferably in your solar plexus.

Q. Can you give us some words of advice when we become frightened or emotional when experiencing the inner worlds?

A. There is one solution, It’s so picturesque that I can’t even tell it here in public. (Note: The accent of the French of this joke is so thick I couldn’t make out what was said, maybe you can and will giggle a bit about it once it’s understood.)

Q. What we are learning now is the externalization of what has happened within our time, we?

A. Yes.

I hope that you are satisfied with what has been done here this morning with this too short exposure and that matter will enable you to go further and localize a start in your personal path.

Q. This is a question about the weather. Does Man have an influence on the weather and the fauna and flora. We’ve had a lot of catastrophes lately etc?

A. It’s a very complex question. Evil and bad feelings of humanity can influence these things which are happening. But on the other hand there’s another aspect which you can - the conscience of Man can change the time/space. And when it’s useful you can change time/space and live in different time/spaces. It’s not very complicated to do in the occult world. But it’s not in my intentions to mention all this now. There are risks in experiments and experiences and when ever it’s necessary I can give them to you, but I usually don’t talk about these things. Because if you make a change in the time/space you don’t exist on this earth anymore and you disappear from the earth, and if there’s a change in the time/space, for one second of your life there it will be equivalent to one hour on this earth. So if you’re not really aware of it you will be lead to believe that you have disappeared from the earth. I would say that I have made a lot of experiments on that matter, when I had 40 years of qabalistic knowledge, but before it’s not very prudent. It can be risky.

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