An Invitation to Profound Unity
Meister Eckhart, one of the greatest Christian mystics of the 14th century, illuminates the path to a radical and unadorned spirituality. For him, the divine experience begins with total self-abandonment:
"God expects only one thing from you: that you step out of yourself so that God can be God in you."
In this journey, detachment and surrender are the keys to inner unification. By renouncing the self and all that is yours, you make room for the divine.
The "Groundless Ground": A Breakthrough to God
Eckhart often refers to the Grund ohne Grund (the groundless ground), the innermost core of the soul where it unites with the essence of God. This ground is both an inexhaustible source and an unfathomable mystery.
In his sermons, Eckhart describes this spiritual breakthrough:
"Here, the ground of God becomes my ground, and my ground becomes the ground of God."
This union is not merely the result of human effort. It is a dialogue between the soul and God. By grace, God breaks into the soul, and the soul, in the same movement, leaps toward divine unity.
The Birth of God in the Soul
One of Eckhart’s central themes is the birth of the Word in the soul, a process of becoming a son in the Son by participating in divine life through grace.
"Man, in detaching himself from all that is perishable, is transfigured into a divine image and becomes a child of God."
This transformation involves a twofold process:
- Entbildung (unforming), where the soul relinquishes all ties to temporal life.
- Uberbildung (transformation), where the soul, guided by grace, ascends to divine life.
In this way, the human being transcends the ego and reaches their true nobility.
The Figure of the Noble Man
Eckhart offers the model of the noble man, one who lives fully in God. This individual no longer draws anything from themselves but derives all their life, being, and bliss solely from God. They embody the words of Maximus the Confessor:
"To become by grace what God is by nature."
The noble man is no longer a separate individual but is unified within the One, transcending all duality between creature and Creator.
From Trinity to Deity
Eckhart does not challenge traditional Trinitarian theology. Instead, he transcends its distinctions to emphasize the essential unity of God, which he calls the Godhead (Gottheit).
Within this unity lies the ultimate site of human divinization:
"God leads the soul into the desert of unity, where He is pure Oneness and flows forth into Himself."
Eckhart’s Relevance: A Call to Simplicity and Depth
Eckhart’s mysticism, with its call to step out of oneself and embrace divine unity, resonates powerfully in the modern world. In an era marked by multiplicity and distraction, he invites us to return to the essential:
- To unify the inner and outer life.
- To relinquish the pursuit of possessions and embrace being.
- To let God be God within us.
As he powerfully asserts:
"As much as you step out of what is yours, so much does God step in with what is His."
Meister Eckhart offers a universal and timeless path, where spirituality blossoms in simplicity, unity, and surrender to divine love.