

The acrochemical technique

The “life of death”
Acrochemistry is also defined as “life of death”, to be understood, cabbalistically, as “way of death”.
Take, for example, dry lemon balm – reduce it to powder; add about 1/3 of running water, leaving a volume of air equal to at least a third of the jar. Expose it open one night to the moon, then close it airtight (you can seal it with wax). Then leave it in indirect light, at room temperature at best 30/35°C.
The mixture should putrefy, with pressure, and turn black. This process is accelerated if a little of a previous acrochemical putrefaction is introduced (up to 50%).
After 3 to 4 months, the jar is opened and the contents summarily filtered. The liquid is placed in a colored glass bottle.
The residue (caput mortem) is heated to black, then leached and calcined several times to extract the soluble salt.
This salt is mixed with the liquid set aside in a hermetically sealed bottle, and placed in an enclosure at 30/40 °C. Observe what is happening there. A new body should be born after 7 to 10 days.
We filter everything very finely and only keep the liquid (where this new body is located).

Notes – there is a similarity, at this level, between acrochemical and alchemical processes. Putrefaction – or fermentation – i.e. the death of the substance allows the birth of a new body, with a much higher energy. (In alchemy, it allows Mercury to be released)
The “life/death path” requires killing well.
In acrochemistry, the real operator is Nature (Nature does everything). This promotes an attitude that is humble and not separated from the being who practices it.
b) Use
You can take a teaspoon of this liquid twice a day, or make a homeopathic dilution of 2 DH:
2 drops of liquid + 9 drops of 87° alcohol (2 drops of liquid because the starting product contains 50% water)
Then 1 drop of liquid + 9 drops of 87° alcohol.
Notes: It was stated that the acrochemical cannot be exhaled. In reality, we can do it provided we mix it with a plant stone, therefore relying on spagyria.
One of the advantages of acrochemistry is that we can prepare much larger quantities than with spagyrics. (In this one, loss of matter as one exhales).
Another advantage is that up to 50 plants prepared in this way can be combined to obtain a synergistic effect, compared to a maximum of 4 in spagyria.
c) Interactions
Interaction between plants and flowers
By planting judicious combinations of plants and flowers (example: tomatoes-marigolds), we allow, through the roots, interactions that elevate the plant kingdom (“alchemical marriages”).
Interaction between man and the earth
The work is carried out on 100 or 150 m2 of land. Both the remains of the acrochemical plants and the human products were recycled in the earth (at least 20 cm deep so as not to lose the volatile essences).
The energy of acrochemicals raises the level of man and his products, which in turn raises the quality of the earth; etc…
The S.S.O.D.C. Order “Sacratissima Ordo Doctoris Castagliensis” would work in this way on around a hundred substances. Their (alternating) use would allow a 30% energy saving in around twenty days. This would be a means of developing talent.

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