Ramana Maharshi, born Venkataraman Aiyer on December 30, 1879 and died on April 14, 1950, was an Indian spiritual master and jñāna-yogin in the Advaita Vedānta tradition. His teaching, rooted in non-duality, emphasizes the realization of the Self through the exploration of the fundamental question: "Who am I?" ".
"...so I am Spirit transcending the body. The body dies but the Spirit which transcends it cannot be reached by death. This means that I am the Spirit which does not die"
After years of solitary asceticism, Ramana Maharshi reached a transcendent state of consciousness where he saw the unity between the cosmic Divine and the divine within, lodged in the heart of every human being. Full of compassion, he guided all who came to him to a fundamental truth, reducing every problem to a single question: “Who am I? »
A radical and transformative awakening
At just 16 years old, the teenage Venkataraman (the future Ramana Maharshi) had a life-changing experience. Seized by a sudden fear of death, he decided to confront it directly. Lying on the ground, he simulated his own death and observed to himself: “If the body dies, what remains? A dazzling revelation appeared to him: he was not this ephemeral body, but the eternal essence, the Absolute Self. This awakening experience freed him forever from the fear of death.
The teaching of Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi did not preach a complicated doctrine. He didn’t give long lessons. His teaching was direct, universal and suitable for all: Come back to yourself, explore the fundamental question, and discover that you are already the Self.
Through his simple but profound answers, he guided everyone towards inner understanding. When asked why he treated all visitors the same, he replied:
“There are no distinctions. All men are the same. »
For him, physical fitness was insignificant. What mattered was this absolute presence that never dies. In his own words:
“I’m not going away. Where would I go? I am here. »
A living legacy
At his death, thousands of disciples were shocked, but a star, visible as far as Madras, crossed the sky. Many saw it as a sign of his eternal union with the universe. Even today, his presence remains tangible for those who seek the truth.
The saint Ma Ananda Mayi, who came to his funeral, declared:
“I came to pay homage to my father. »
Ramana Maharshi did not create a new religion. He offered a universal message of hope, a bright path in a time marked by spiritual darkness. His silence became an eternal eloquence. Through his photographs, his gaze continues to touch hearts.
More than a wise man, he is a timeless guide for all those who aspire to know their true essence.