


Meditation aims to achieve expanded states of consciousness, seeking a deep connection with the divine or the universe.

The term meditation (Latin meditatio) designates a mental or spiritual practice. It consists of attention paid to a certain object of thought (meditating a philosophical principle for example, in the sense of deepening its meaning) or to oneself (in the sense of meditative practice in order to realize one’s spiritual identity). Meditation generally involves the practitioner focusing their attention centripetally on a single point of reference.

Meditation is at the heart of the practices of Buddhism, Taoism, Yoga, Islam, Christianity and other more recent forms of spirituality. It is a practice aimed at producing inner peace, emptiness of the mind, modified states of consciousness or progressive calming of the mind or even simple relaxation, obtained by "familiarizing" oneself with an object of observation: that it is external (like a real object or a symbol) or internal (like the mind or a concept, or even the absence of a concept).

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