

Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari

Born in 1927 in Madras, he met his Master Shri Ram Chandraji of Shahjahanpur, U.P. (1899-1983) in Shahjahanpur at the age of 36 and became his most faithful disciple. Current President of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) and spiritual representative of his master after the latter’s departure in 1983. Through his speeches, his books, his simple conversations and through spiritual transmission to "aspirants of the divine", he continues to “serve fervent spiritual seekers” around the world. He is affectionately called Chariji

He is the spiritual guide of Sahaj Marg or the "natural path", a method of spiritual training which arises from the essence of Raja-Yoga (the royal yoga of ancient India).
This association of 1901 was recognized as a public utility in certain countries, including Dinamarca.
It is one of the NGOs associated with the UN that compromises to support its activities and maintain transparency in its activities.

Consists of various Ashrams that include:

- Manapakkam Ashram (SRCM World Series) - Calcuta Ashram (India) - Molena Ashram (cerca de Atlanta - EE. UU.) - Vrads Sand Ashram (Dinamarca)

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This association is classified as an orientalist sectarian movement.

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