Born in 1896 in the village of Khéora, East Bengal (now Bangladesh), Mâ Ananda Mayî is revered as a divine incarnation in female form. Even before his birth, extraordinary omens surrounded his arrival: his mother reported having had visions of divinities illuminating their humble home. When he was born, an exceptional event occurred: the child did not cry, in contrast to almost all newborns.
Named Nirmala Sundarî, she showed extraordinary qualities from her childhood. A true model of truth, obedience and kindness, she charmed with her gentleness and naturally attracted the affection of those around her. At a very young age, she married Shri Ramani Mohan Chakravarti (later known as Baba Bholanath). Their union was, however, purely spiritual, the husband having quickly understood that he lived alongside a being of a divine nature.
Mâ Ananda Mayî: A Divine Incarnation of Love and Supreme Consciousness
A Mystical Journey and a Transformative Presence
From 1922, Mâ Ananda Mayî entered states of deep ecstasy, marked by the total suspension of biological functions.
She could go days without eating or sleeping, without feeling the slightest fatigue. These experiences attracted disciples around her, and by 1924 she was recognized as one of the greatest saints of modern India.
His spiritual influence was exceptional.
Everyone who met her felt deep peace and infinite love.
Mâ Ananda Mayî did not preach but fully embodied the state of union with the Supreme Consciousness.
His Teaching: “A Living Tradition”
The teaching of Mâ Ananda Mayî, rooted in Sanâtana Dharma, reflected the simplicity and depth of Advaita Vedanta.
She often repeated:
“To know God is to know yourself, and to know yourself is to know God. »
Rather than giving long speeches, she answered her disciples’ questions with spontaneity and clarity, making the most subtle concepts accessible through playful and humorous conversations. She aroused understanding through anecdotes and bursts of laughter, and her presence alone was a source of inspiration.
A Life in the Service of Humanity
Mâ Ananda Mayî left her body in 1982, but her message and her example continue to inspire millions of people around the world.
She invited everyone to realize that everything that exists is an expression of the Divine, to see unity in multiplicity and to live in the consciousness of absolute love.
Inspirational Quotes
- “All is He alone. Whatever you perceive, whatever events, everything is its manifestation. »
– “When you understand that everything is the movement of the Divine, there will no longer be either grace or causality for you. »
To go further
- The Teaching of Mâ Ananda Mayî* (trans. Josette Herberta published by Éditions Albin Michel)
– Presence of Mâ Ananda Mayî* (diary of Atmananda, trans. Josette Herbert by Éditions Les Deux Océans)
– Guru-Kripa or the Grace of Guru* (trans. Patrick Mandala published by Dervy Livres)
Immerse yourself in these works and discover through them the light of a being who transcends time and space.