

Psychokinesis or psychokinesis

La psychogenèse ou psychokinésie (PK) correspond à l’interaction d’un individu avec son environnement, d’une manière non conforme à la science telle qu’elle est connue.

Psychogenesis or psychokinesis (PK) corresponds to the interaction of an individual with their environment, in a manner inconsistent with science as it is known.

The word psychokinesis or psychogenesis is used in the form psychokinesias in English but in French, we use the word “telekinesis” (“TK”).

More concretely, it would be the impact of latent and hypothetical psychic faculties on physical matter.

A material object could, for example, be set in motion (kinesis) by the mind (psyche).

It is a paranormal phenomenon that parapsychologists prefer to describe as metapsychic, and whose existence is only considered a serious possibility by very few scientists.

However, research has been carried out in this area and some provide positive conclusions regarding “Micro-PK”.

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