

Divinatory tarot - major arcana

To my daughter Marlène



He doesn’t have a number, someone who doesn’t self-determine, very ambiguous.
Mercury and Neptune conjunct.
A lot of idealism, we go beyond the rational, illusory side, checkmate.
Corresponds to a period before birth or after death, we can put this blade after the world or before the mountebank —> it represents the beginning and the end of time, an animal grabs his thigh —> flesh color, indicates the weakness of this blade.
He lets himself be guided by his instincts, lives in the moment, can be a genius or a mystic.
He is heading to the right, looking towards the sky: he has no defined goal, but he has his backpack —> so a stage has been completed, there has been an upheaval in his life.
He has had a life where he has finished something and must move on to something else, he questions his achievements, his experiences, he moves towards something else. He is dressed like a jester, the jester is the one who can allow himself to say what he thinks.
He is detached from material contingencies, notion of freedom and independence.
He is mature, remains outside the rules and laws
He has his own morals, can respect others.
Red ball on his hat —> effervescence, intellectual for what is above him.
Initiate blade, stick resembles a kitchen spoon.
Cooking symbolizes alchemy, so he did alchemical work.
2 nodes represent the stages he has crossed, he can have flashes of perception, of important illumination.
2 —> there are things in the making.
The white tufts are what remains to be discovered, for Freemasons
It is in the 2nd initiatory degree.
He is always ready to undertake —> red tunic once he has learned
He will leave, he will go to the end and then leave.
Need to learn —> yellow
He needs to live his originality
He is self-taught, needs to live in freedom, needs to go through a period of solitude —> hermit’s staff.
He left the notions of good and evil
He’s amoral, he’s carefree
He is very adaptable, can recover from situations or can get out of them, he has an unpredictable side, with this card, you never know who you are dealing with (at the beginning, but later you will know) blue tights —> his approach is spiritual
He needs to empty his intellectual energies
He can be delirious
He walks on dunes —> he will go through a whole period of adventures and discoveries, he lives without constraints, we cannot impose them on him, we have no control.
Upside down
Psychically and psychologically destabilized very poor discernment, no judgment on the side unhinged, hyper nervous which borders on madness renunciation of social life, we refuse to live like the others we don’t comply with anything no standards are trying to get caught in charge, the bag represents the matrix sought by artificial paradises, or an unhinged sexual life, perversion, it is a resignation from life
He saw the immoral side.
He is caught by the throat, the head is separated from the body, he no longer has any control, loss of identity, mental wandering
There is something to review or reconsider
Can act against him or others
There are things he will destroy to destroy himself
There may have been a big problem with the mother in the past
Destabilizing passions
Impulsive side
If this blade comes out upside down, at the end of the consultation, you must turn the blade over so that he can regain his senses
Perhaps dangerously mentally ill
With this blade upside down, it is better not to move because we cannot control anything, we suffer
May feel attacked
There are big emotional problems



1 indicates the beginning of things
We see an illusionist who skillfully juggles objects
He captures the attention of others, a lot of skill
Mercury (sign of intelligence, intellect or manual)
Lots of mobility
Smooth speaker, wants to capture through gesture and speech
Hat forms an eight —> he is very intelligent, very receptive and questions what he knows
Great adaptability
Eager for knowledge that he will transmit, reveal
White and yellow hair —> he’s starting something he doesn’t know
Example: a new profession.
He is firmly on his two legs, his costume is very asymmetrically colored —> he has a very shared polarity
May go through a period of indecision
1 asserts his individuality
Holds a wand in his left hand as if he were capturing energies from the sky, the sky has invested him with power
He is very skilled
Blue foot —> reception
Red foot —> the decision
Act more
He is going to undertake, we lend him the 4 elements:
 knife = sword
You have to take life as a game
He will use contradiction to resolve his problems
Very androgynous blade
He has all the elements to know what he has deep inside himself
Need to center —> denier in the middle, which will balance it, it will have to have sheaths, don’t do things for free
Chair table —> the tools are ready for him, he will not have them all his life
There is an opportunity to seize
The table is a place of exchange
He will learn to manage the material and to know himself
Everything is to be undertaken
We start something and the present are very important
We have the means to do what we want to do
Knife: reflect, review with discernment, follow through with the reflection
Cup: being initiated into love
He is inexperienced in the sector he is going to start
2 dice 1 and 5: invites reflection
The other side of dice 2 and 6: ambiguity, doubt
Gemini, Aries
Upside down
He is scattered, he controls nothing
He does several things at once
The V-neck separates the head from the body
Constructs completely false things, swindler, maneuverer, thief
Unstable, his morality is completely elastic
Shared by act and reflection, he will not make a decision or undertake
He has an immature side perhaps due to sexual problems, the table hides the sex, we don’t know who he is.
Knife extended straight —> aggressive
Sexual problems that can make you aggressive
Does not fit into his sexual life, which destabilizes his personality, without rigor, he has lost his center,

It is a blade which is therefore very easily influenced.
Very versatile, capricious, childish
It should be suggested that one should refocus by turning the blade over and looking at the denier
It’s a heavy blade upside down
You will have to be less in your mind and do things with your body, white takes on a negative side, it will not assume what it has within it, all the elements will disperse, it will mix everything up



In graphology, assimilated to the letter B which is the reflection
Inspire meditation
Very stable
Has a lunar influence (Taurus moon)
Very compact, very earthy blade
Full of advice and suggestions that she will offer before any action, reflect and do nothing blindly.
2: gestation and preparation of things, we do not act
You must not act
Very positive on maternity issues
blue coat which covers a red dress, has made its initiatory journey (cross on the heart)
Request for reflection
Imposing woman, of great charisma, from the way she is seated, it seems as if she is preserving a sacred enclosure —> in front of a flesh-colored veil which rests on pillars
Can hide the truth with scientific things to protect the other side which is the irrational, astral plane
8 lines on each page = 16 = Maison Dieu
Warns the initiate that he may lose his balance
She suggests that one must be well balanced to lift the veil and go to the other side
There must be a personal initiation
Requires us to reflect, to deepen
She will give us her knowledge at the risk of losing our balance
Papal tiara —> union of body and spirit
She is a great initiator (Isis)
It is the woman who has the knowledge
She knows things instinctively
It is very intuitive —> the tiara is in direct relationship with the cosmos
She is very reliable
Indicates that things are in progress
Expresses the alternation of things
Represents night, darkness
Gives us rules of right and wrong
She is conscientious, vigilant, protective
Very linked to the absorption of things, to digestion
White veil: purified what she hears
We can draw another card to find out what is behind the curtain.
Upside down
With the Mat upside down can represent a prostitute
Very imposing, great coldness
Poorly integrated maternal archetype
Problem with women, mother
Fear of not fulfilling motherhood,
For women invites you to review your femininity
She questions everything she knows, everything she has acquired
The book can announce to him a hidden obstacle
Completely invaded by the illusory side
Will have a negative image of women
Castrating woman
Charlatan of eroticism, he hides some things, dissembler, abusive mother or person who can abuse his knowledge or make believe that he has it to possess you
Great selfishness
Person who locks himself in what is left unsaid
Be wary of legal issues (papers not in order or hidden, very important)
Suspicious because she does not have confidence in herself, can lie, mentions a very harsh education that she received, great emotional greed that she will hide with coldness, unreliable person
The number 2 is in duality
She will use everything she hears to serve her interests
Resentment, difficulty digesting what happens to him
X on the chin: the X represents fetal life.
You must be wary of this blade, it is very harmful, be wary of any influence from women.



She’s out front —> she has nothing to hide
Corresponds to the assimilation of ideas, to discernment
3 generates movement and creation
Without all her adornment, she appears weak (unlike the popess) —> very strong social identification
She is young but her hair is white and a red crown —> she is intellectually very mature, very lively and alert.
She questions herself.
Red dress at the bottom and blue at the top —> energy channeled by his intellect,
Eagle —> loyalty, frankness (it’s the only bird that can look the sun in the face).
But she retains it —> she is attached to these values
Crest —> it may be a noble or someone with a well-known name who is identified by their social position
Authority, power (sceptre), ambition, intelligence
Great sense of psychology
The cross at the top of the scepter is the symbol of alchemy, (antimony) —> it controls the intellect,
Nervous but reasonable. She trusts her open-minded reason
Matches both Virgo and Gemini
It interests man and man interests him, even the details, thirst for knowledge, thirst for truth.
Critical sense, she is objective.
She may be dissatisfied by looking too hard for the little details.
She is perpetually in doubt
She likes to confuse those around her and handles contradictions.
She knows that she is intellectually brilliant but she knows that nothing can ever be taken for granted.
She has an Adam’s apple and her scepter starts from her penis —> she will often need to surpass men to assert herself.
Humor, wit, intellectual and physical liveliness.
She is very aware of things, adapts well to situations instead of opposing them, she will solve the problem by trying to influence and manipulate others
She can be a businesswoman, housewife, etc.
She directs and sometimes organizes discreetly without anyone noticing.
All this flesh color behind her —> she can’t keep this situation all the time because it’s not stable enough, but she knows it. This does not necessarily mean that it will fall again, it can progress.
Goes to the end of his ambitions.
It draws part of its strength from its origins because crest —> family lineage and it comes from the left, therefore from the past, that is to say from its ancestors
She can’t afford to be passive.
Upside down
All the red is found in the mind —> she no longer controls anything, poor discernment.
Can mean that she has loose morals, that she uses sex and the passionate side to achieve her ends.
She is dominated by her impulses and fantasies
Uses power for personal gain, manipulative, intellectually destabilized
Intellectual effervescence which turns to dispersion
She follows her instincts too much, the only thing holding her back is her badge, that is to say her company name
Sometimes homosexual, always a problem with femininity, sometimes means that she is trying to position herself socially.
She is looking for her origins.
She has lost her power and is seeking to regain it documents, papers that must be updated.



His scepter is smaller than that of the empress —> he holds it more easily = his social position is more stable
Realization (4) happens in the order of things
The badge is huge.
He is ready to act but will not do so because he cares about his comfort.
It is based on everything that has been established (traditions, heritage) etc.
Crossed legs —> he refuses any external influence, affirms his convictions.
His helmet has a neck protector —> he protects himself and sticks to his convictions which he must convince others of.
Unlike the Empress, he does not adapt, he tries to impose himself. If the two are in conflict, it is the Empress who will dominate because she is a fine psychologist and manipulator.
He is a hands-on man who sticks to what he has learned and to all the foundations, the rules. He likes hierarchy, has power.
It embodies routine and the continuity of things.
He knows where he is going in stability.
He’s a fair person who won’t change his mind.
He doesn’t question anything
Turned to the left —> he turns his back on the future. It’s a liability
If you want to make a change and draw this card, you should not do it.
He is not an intellectual or sentimentalist, he only trusts and manages the material (comes closer to Taurus). He’s a good manager. He does not delegate his powers, he gives orders.
Very strong ego. Symbol of the policed state.
He may be a magistrate, a cop, a statesman, a merchant, landowner, bourgeois.
It is a positive card for everything relating to real estate, heritage
Reliable, everyone can rely on him.
It’s not a joke.
Archetype of the dominating father.
Power, determination, fixity, he is stubborn.
Clairvoyance —> he will be clairvoyant in business and in everything that concerns matter
He has a sense of worldliness, has a protective side
Resistant, solid.
For health, this card is related to the liver
Despite his rigid appearance, he still creates and achieves.
Atrophied left hand —> he refuses his feminine side.
Upside down
Despot, tyrant, excessive ambition. Everything about him is excessive. Very phallocratic, uncompromising
We don’t handle the material side well, we don’t know how to manage it
We are prisoners, obsessed with him
Calculator, temporarily deprived of his property
He kicks the badge —> he denies something from his past or in his family, something which is located in his bases (i.e. matter)
If we ask an emotional question and bring out the Emperor, he necessarily represents the spouse, whether he is right side up or upside down.



Imagician of man, of independence, of individualization. Union of self and subconscious, of heaven and earth.
He is the mediator. On the 5th day, gestation is over, it is necessary to give birth that is.
To transmit
We are going to transmit something divine
It is enlightenment, wisdom, maturity.
He is the teacher, he transmits a lot
He is a “good father”. His tiara touches the top of the card —> the sky is always in correspondence with the matter at home. He is a great initiate.
Very spiritual card, personal achievement
Represents esoteric teaching
Conciliator, psychoanalyst, teacher, confessor, He listens to others, altruism
He is merciful (2 fingers of the right hand)
He gives esoteric teaching unlike the popess who represents esotericism.
This card means that we have assimilated new values, lots of things will change in us because we have managed to dominate instincts and we manage with reason (3) and reflection (2) (3 + 2 = 5 ) the role of the pope is to reconcile opposites.This card contains the symbol of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. This card is very positive in all areas
Turnaround, conciliation (for a divorce for example, this means that we will reconcile, that we will no longer divorce)
Mediator 2 fingers: Jupiter —> index
Saturn —> major, rigor
Upside down
He is a fanatic in his teaching. He’s forcing himself.
The Pope risks making his ego grow by devouring his initiates.
Keeps his students in constant dependence.
Use his knowledge to crush others. Bad negotiator.
It is feasible but needs to be reviewed.
The mediator leads us as he sees fit.
Seeks his interests through psychological manipulation.
Uses the paternalistic side to impose principles. Dictator.
It only exists thanks to its students.
He wants to keep the knowledge to himself.
Castrator side.
Inflation of the self.
He does not participate with the divine breath.
He uses things for his own benefit
Bad conciliator.
No listening, no communication.
He can separate.



The person acts with charm, peace, seduction.
Public contact search.
Oscillates between 2 completely different women.
Feet apart, look to the left.
He is torn between women.
Wears a striped tunic of several colors —> he himself contains an ambiguity, he solicits it naturally and despite the fact that he holds his belt, he is determined.
There are choices to make.
Indicates that there is a conciliation to be found.
Search for perfection (the 6th).
We must find the meaning of the measure in the 6.
You have to know how to analyze. There is a difficulty to be resolved
An angel is drawn in a white sun and directs an arrow to the right —> what we didn’t realize, there is a decision to be made and to be pure, it points to the right.
The brunette woman on the left, more mature. Wears a hat. Socially brilliant.
Presented from behind, she is unfathomable. We don’t know who she really is.
She is sure of herself, very materialistic. She asks him to get involved (hand on the shoulder).
Passionate woman, very active, authoritarian.
She shows him her weaknesses (right hand on the thigh, in the color red). Plays on sexuality
She is very powerful.
It represents ease.
All arms are in motion —> ways to act
There is a choice to make, the right one is to find something other than the material. A path to open (he doesn’t know what will happen on the right).
Choice between the past and the future.
The blonde woman on the right: a frail young girl, she shows him something with her fingers on the blue of her jacket and her cape.
Path of spirituality, of depth.
She presents herself face to face, she has nothing to hide, authentic to herself, she will not do any tricks
Conflict of the initiate in his own consciousness.
Role of the angel: close yourself to external influences, not let yourself be influenced, know what you want for yourself.
If he decides to move towards evolution, creation.
We must make the choice for the future, move to the right. But you should not tell the consultant because it is up to him to make the choice. Otherwise we influence it. It is better to stop at this drawing for this card. It must be said not to take the easy way out.
May indicate a sentimental encounter, if it is an emotional question.
Even in the place we are torn apart There are 25 rays of the sun = 5 + 2 = 7, commitment, the search for perfection.
We must therefore commit ourselves.
Upside down
He is torn between these 2 women, by this choice.
He doesn’t make a choice, it’s a problem for him.
He doesn’t dare say no.
Very strong influenceability, we need to be emotionally secure.
Inner struggle between chastity and desire.
We can accuse him of weakness.
Great influence from the old relationship, she presents herself on the right, blocking his path.
Could be a guilty relationship.
Mother’s problem.
Does not make the connection with his conscience.
You have to be careful with this blade because there is a connotation of infidelity. The person to choose between 2 women.
Very inconsistent, we always oscillate between 2 things.
In health, no vitality, indolent, very lazy circulation.
Doesn’t make a choice, doesn’t engage gallbladder problem —> related to choice problem.



Augments victory, commitment.
Requires constant effort (to guide the tank).
A young king installed in his chariot, pulled by 2 horses of different colors.
The scepter is smaller than that of the emperor —> his ego is less important.
He will become more human.
He has no front because he no longer needs intellectual knowledge, he must act.
Protected by a blue armor.
He guides his horses effortlessly
S.M. = Sulfur - Mercury
4 + 3 - Jupiter which protects, gives order, organization.
4 = stability —> cube of the cart.
We ask him to move forward and achieve something
There was a commitment.
Red horse: life energy - Suffer - Fire
Sulfur can destroy Mercury by transforming it
He has mastered very strong impulses within him. Energy - leader spirit. He knows how to decide when it is necessary. Heaven invested him with this power.
His tunic is red like the horse —> animal strength in him.
The 2 moons on the shoulders: he has a celestial rank
He has channeled his instincts, he is not disturbed by his emotions.
Blue horse - Mercury - Water: buried knowledge.
If it is not moving, it will fall back towards the Lover.
Constant effort is required.
As we cannot see it completely, it obscures a problem, an escape into a commitment.
Important awareness —> white collar which separates the head from the trunk.
Canopy flesh: it is limited by its concepts.
Chair wheels: it is limited by the material — > you must remain open to any concept to develop your ideas.
Travel by car or train.
Time to get involved, to move —> you have to do it.
New principles to be established. He brought together the opposites.
We have won a victory over ourselves.
Success but it doesn’t last, you always have to make an effort. It will last if we make them.
It combines receptivity and action —> acts easily
Fast blade = 1 month
Upside down
Blocking when upside down
Will hide behind commitments, fleeing a part of oneself.
We don’t accept our emotional side.
Sexual problem. Energy problem. Inhibited instincts
The most blocked blade in the tarot.
It is the mind that is blocking it because we have separated the head from the body by the white collar.
We are prisoner of a strong identification, of our appearances.
For travel, there is a delay or immobilization. That doesn’t mean it’s canceled
No accidents, under the protection of Jupiter.
Excessive pride.
A mistake, we changed our path, we took a wrong turn.
Fear of taking responsibility, lack of initiative.
Difficulty gaining independence. Big emotional blockage.
You shouldn’t make things bigger because it won’t last. You must remove the tarot one week later. it’s momentary.
We are also blocked by prejudices (square = prejudices)
Even upside down, it is not negative unless it is accompanied by the House of God or the Mat.



Venus: social.
Saturn: rigor.
Rigor, stability while integrating a social level.
Justice that reasons, feelings are not there
Seated woman, facing, holding the scales, the sword.
She is frank, loyal.
She wants to be impartial. She wants to preserve the balance.
Red dress —> high activity.
She is lucid.
Crown —> invested with authority.
She must find a balance between reflection and decision, action and non-action.
She is aware that good and evil coexist.
She can give peace by cutting.
Braided necklace, braided hair —> analysis and integration of a hierarchy.
It can be generous (some curves).
Strong analytical side —> she looks inside.
She looks the truth in the face, what our heart shows her.
8 = 2 X 4 Balance that she must preserve (social or professional).
She must carefully measure the consequences of her actions.
The scale is placed on the heart region —> she wants to control her emotions while taking into account.
She can favor certain situations with her power.
She must carefully weigh the pros and cons
Be selective. Don’t make a mistake.
Sword —> imposes rigor, reason. 2 circles on the crown —> subtle center. Things must be judged from above, with the highest consciousness possible.
She doesn’t go back on what she said
She wants to bring together opposites without taking sides.
Back of things, you have to get your papers in order or start a trial.
It informs us to act according to events. There is something to be called into question to preserve one’s personal balance.
Requires a certain discipline.
You have to do things properly.
She is ready to give her sentence (it looks like she is waiting for an event and it is just before the 9th).
We don’t make money with justice.
Slow blade.
Rather, it represents divorce.
Can symbolize an operation, a surgeon. It is indicated that surgery is necessary.
Upside down
She became a cheater.
The trial can be directed. Things are not clear.
Bias, partiality.
She imposes something, castrating.
Lack of rigor.
There is a shock in return. You may be subject to unfair convictions.
Endless trial.
Someone very clever who hides behind laws or papers that he has concealed, or which are not up to date
Denunciation, anonymous letters. Beware of what is written and what is said (sword = word and writing)
The tarot tells you to cheat if you ask it how you can get out of a lawsuit.
It is no longer the justice of heaven.



Can get closer to the Popess
Corresponds to an esoteric teaching
It occupies the entire surface of the map —> imposing
Large blue cape with streaked yellow interior, red dress —> he has great inner strength, he opens up to meditation, very receptive.
He recharges his batteries.
Associated with Saturn, withdraws from social life. The lamp shows him that he is enlightened, the lamp illuminates him and his heart which has a cut.
He opened his heart.
He did all the inner work, he used the vital energy —> the whole bottom of the red dress streaked
Not straight pink stick looks like a snake: guide
Rise of vital energy in the spine Vital energy must rise towards the subtle centers
9 represents Perfection within Perfection.
3 wrinkles on the forehead: constant effort.
Flesh hair: time has no hold on it
He has no age.
He has time to learn and pass on.
He understands human errors and can use them.
The white sleeve connects his right hand, the lantern and his heart —> he is illuminated and must learn to give with circumscription and prudence. He must give to the one who is ready to receive.
Stick —> caution, withdrawal.
Inner movement.
He is far-sighted, concrete, wary of anything that may lack balance.
In-depth analysis of all situations: researcher, mathematician, psychologist.
His mystical experiences belong to him, he cannot transmit them.
Light up the past with your lantern —> everything is there
Historian, theologian.
A solitary man, he cannot live in a society that can be grasped. He has his own morals. The lantern lights him up.
Archetype of wisdom. Ascetic. Monastic life.
Likes serious, deep things.
Don’t go with the Lover.
Can represent someone who is at the end of their existence.
Change of plane of consciousness (indicated by the 9).
Energy is slowed down.
Chronic diseases...
Yellow cape with streaks —> he had an intellectual approach which led him to this initiatory quest.
Covenant with heaven (above the lamp).
With the hood, we protect ourselves. Humility.
Lives with inner passion
Long-term work. The Ermine has plenty of time.
Without activity but good with himself.
He finds his traditions.
Good relationships with mature people.
Isolation promotes concentration and research.
The future no longer interests him, he returns to his sources because the key to things is in the past. He comes from the future and brings what he knows about the future.
Will revive things.
Upside down
Loss of vitality. May be due to emotional lack.
Badly accepted loneliness. He has cut himself off too much from the world.
He can’t stand anyone anymore. He can no longer fit in. Major existential anxieties. Fear of changing plans It could be an inmate.
The little death, someone who has lost contact with himself.
Form of regression, selfish, incapable of giving.
Flight from oneself. Fear of truly finding oneself.
Form of self-destruction. Can refuse life.
Someone who is kept alive artificially.
You have to motivate the person and make them find their goals.
Connect with the world.
Sign of delay, difficulty. Things don’t come true.
Any change is unwelcome anyway.
False instructor.
Blocked by concepts.



The 10 = the return to unity,
the sense of the whole in movement,
the sum of the first 4 numbers.
Blade linked to an important stage in life.
Associated with Pluto.
Linked to destiny, decisions to be made.
But things won’t last. Initiatory passage. Right to make mistakes.
Wheel with 3 animal creatures disguised as men.
The wheel is connected to arcana 6 (6 spokes in the wheel)
We have our free will.
top animal = own consciousness,
animal on the left = relationship with our unconscious, our instincts, the exhale,
animal on the right = inspires it.
Need outside help to make the wheel turn, you can’t make a decision alone.
We are blinded by something.
There is difficulty or success. Quest for something.
We are subject to an internal law
Struggle between our instincts and spiritual life.
The upper monkey can also be mischievous and can make some of our fantasies come true, which we should not fall for.
Top monkey: initiator, it is our own consciousness that directs it.
Behind him, a red veil hides something = a cup. We are blinded by passion.
A passion has arisen which will turn events upside down.
Everything can change depending on one’s own decisions.
Openness, research on the body, on oneself.
Harmony found with one’s own body.
This blade has a force of creation or destruction, it all depends on the decision that will be taken.
This decision will decide an important path.
Choice guided either by the falling monkey who has been dominated by his instincts, or by the climbing dog, who wants to settle down.
Harmony to be found between body and mind.
We can free ourselves from taboos, free ourselves.
Strong vital, passionate energy which risks upsetting everything (red hub of the wheel).
All external influences must be taken into account.
You have to draw other cards in the tarot.
The consultant must be helped to discern things.
We can transform our lives.
6 rays: blade to connect to the Lover,
10 is a change in life, but is not continuity. The choice has still not been made.
The opportunity won’t last.
Professional change —> house X: work.
Ambivalent blade: movement of inertia and action at the same time.
This blade always requires another blade because it requires outside help.
Blue animal from above: sphinx or monkey who wears a crown and a sword —> the conscience which can sanction. Search for an inner truth. He is an initiator. It is believed to be neutral. It is completely linked to our unconscious.
We are on a path and there is a choice to make
Let yourself be caught up in your emotions (inhale it) or make a conscious decision (exhale it).
Mind-matter battle that requires outside help.
A cut behind the blue sign: emotional arrival or professional proposal. There is a decision to be made otherwise the thing will pass.
Awareness of the body (2 monkeys), sexual liberation. Connects us with our deepest impulses.
Indicates a new cycle.
Material question, it can increase earnings, encourage deposits on the stock market.
The blue monkey can tell us not to be guided by our instincts
Very karmic blade —> it is imposed on us by destiny.
White background —> everything has to be done.
Choice is a source of enlightenment.
More interior stage than the Lover.
Source of creation as well as destruction.
It’s a choice —> we have to see what’s next.
Love at first sight for his work.
Discovery of an affection in his work.
With the Sun next to it —> indicates a multiplication of winnings.
Upside down
The monkey on the right will dominate.
It’s suspended.
It spins in the void, no longer participates in evolution
The most blocked blade in the Tarot.
We have to go deeper, analyze the situation because we refuse to analyze or go deeper. Things are completely locked down.
Prisoner of circumstances.
Sharing a life with someone who is completely blocked
We missed something.
Blocked capital.
It is not transitory and it lasts to the extent that you do nothing to change things.
Unblocking comes from within and without.
We cannot reason, we are subject to our instincts, they will lead. We can refuse to evolve
We still lose and we have a fear of losing so we prefer to block everything.
Card related to the heart, which is cardiovascular.
We may have been traumatized by an emotional loss and we are stuck. We can no longer move forward.
We become fatalistic
To positive this slide, you have to turn it over and see slide 1. Which means you have to start from the beginning. You have to renew yourself so that things can be renewed.



1 + 1 —> The High Priestess —> the Thought Force
Represents the individual initiative that accompanies thinking
She represents the balance of Justice (8) and the intelligence of the Empress (3) = 11
This blade is self-sufficient. We cannot add anything to it. It does not have a complementary blade
She must find her strength within herself
Indicates that we must walk a part of the way alone (this is imposed on us unlike the ermine where it is a choice)
Young woman who opens a lion’s mouth without problem. Yellow puff sleeves.
Very important handling game. She learns to manipulate.
She uses her intelligence. It is a moral force. She impresses.
Use your femininity
It expresses the whole idea of activity
We can think that it blocks the dog’s mouth —> it channels it.
Hat on the blue side: the mind is based on passivity
Puff sleeves —> social side, worldly, use of relationships.
Meaning of starting and finishing work.
The lion is the height of sex, which means she must master fear, channel her instincts to master the beast.
She had to do a lot of work on her emotions (yellow interwoven corset).
Taming the animal means completely controlling its emotional impulses.
This blade does not suggest violent action. It announces success. Things cannot be taken for granted and there will be success in the end. Link to be made between body and mind, always using passivity (blue dress, blue hat).
She is a very strong businesswoman.
She invites us to discover our fears and overcome them.
Health question —> full moral and physical health.
Passionate encounter with a woman who has very strong sensuality.
Significant support.
Relationship with sport, the circus, animals.
We can manipulate those around us well.
Lots of pride, temerity, courage. She is aware of her value
Desire to appear (theatre).
Someone who knows how to manage business very well.
Blade of creativity.
Indicates fertilization.
Very concrete, very physical blade. This blade is mainly aimed at very concrete questions.
Associated with Mars.
Upside down
Blade that lets itself be overwhelmed by instincts.
Aggressive, brutal force.
Despotism, tyrannical, a lot of pride.
Lack of control, angry.
It will be necessary to suggest not acting too instinctively and to appeal to the mind.
Someone who has blocked their sexuality.
We absolutely want to dominate situations, command, direct.
Fear of knowing yourself deep down, of knowing your impulses, your desires.
It’s the instinctive part that agitates.
We have to see what our instincts are
More of a blockage than a success in terms of health, there may be a problem of hypertension.
We can suggest doing sports, going out a little to release some energy.
Slow card requires assimilation, gestation.



The 2nd series of the tarot
A man hanging by one foot with his hands crossed behind his back. He is conscious (eyes open)
We find the Emperor (legs crossed) who renounces all material values in favor of other values
Very ambiguous blade —> Problem for consultation
Can go to drugs
Reversal, upheaval of values
Request an inner investigation
The consultant is initiated without knowing it
It’s a dive, he has to dive into himself
The power is in not acting in this card to call upon much more subtle energies.
The hanged man must get rid of his certainties and no longer trust appearances
Perhaps someone who is unaware of their slavery, or of being a prisoner without knowing it.
Meditation, requires a receptive state, 12 is the reverse of 21
It is manifestation in the unmanifested world.
work of Christ in itself.
The opening is at the top.
We live out of step with the social environment.
Nightblade. We can work at night. This is a person who works nights. Influenceable side. They are very permeable people.
Sees things that others don’t see.
Hands behind his back: he may have feelings of guilt.
Strong sexuality assumed with guilt
Someone who lives unlike others.
Prostitution, homosexuality.
Pruned trees —> indicates that it is time to get to the point of things, while still bruising yourself. He must strip himself to be able to evolve on an inner level.
Green color = opening, we must prepare for the great upheaval of blade 13 by stripping ourselves of material concepts. spiritual question —> success, material question —> no success.
Blade of self-giving. We participate as we may need support.
Search for security.
Inindicates that the person did not cut the umbilical cord
Lots of duality. Desire for one thing and its opposite.
Health issue —> circulation is poor, immobilization.
He has everything to rebuild.
It is an initiatory passage.
House XII = house of trials.
You have to know how to lose, accept losing.
1 + 2 = 3 The Empress, use intelligence differently. Be truly receptive to all energies.
Slow card.
The hard ground is at the top.
She suggests that you live unlike others.
We can have a drug addict or a yogi in front of us.
Someone who seeks unreal states (schizophrenia with negative blades) (being initiated with the Sun) (medium with the Devil).
Good astral vision.
The trunks are yellow —> everything will bloom again, it will grow back. Masochistic side because the hanged man can depend on himself. He put himself in a situation to see things differently.
Upside down
He dances, he is happy.
The Hanged Man asserts his originality. He will live as he wants while integrating into society.
It’s more of a liberation.
He will hide his private life.
He became aware of the initiatory change.
We protect ourselves.
He integrated his values.
He is not dependent on matter, he is free to act, he is no longer a prisoner.
He knew how to make sacrifices, he suffered.
Renewed energy.
Things are changing.
We have something to assert.
He communicates from within with others.
Humanitarian blade. We can help others, it’s a liberation, we must make the hanged man responsible, to know what he is hiding, the consultant can draw a card and we put it behind, on the back
Also valid for the Popess, the Moon.



In close relationship with the Black Moon and Saturn.
Black Moon: energies within ourselves that we are lacking.
A dark side to overcome.
Become aware of this energy to help us enhance our daily lives.
Big change.
Cut with the past.
Blade that invites us to free ourselves from our dark side.
Lightning action.
Wrong from left to right —> cuts the past and can change our future, our direction.
It is also the NAMELESS arcana.
Forced change.
We must understand what has darkened our soul by going deep within ourselves.
Black soil —> sterile land but which can be fertile if we work it.
The number 13 corresponds to the 13th chapter of the apocalypse, the Antichrist.
13: number of letting go. We are forced to let go of things and evolve by force.
Detachment from everything that has been ordered.
End of a cycle. Start of a new cycle
We must also change all our means of action.
The skeleton amputated a foot: it fertilized the earth. Phallic side. The soil will prepare for the new harvest.
You have to cut with your past and the cut will be painful.
But things will be done intelligently —> handle of the yellow and white scythe.
This blade can evoke grandparents.
A new path will present itself which will be given to us later —> blue herbs in the black earth —> spiritual path.
We must become more demanding, more perfectionist in order to accomplish the path.
NAMELESS ARCANE because we are in transit, we lose our name. We must break our ego, break our social image.
The person must free themselves from a family bond and perhaps create another —> severed foot planted in the ground. Help from disembodied spirits.
Even in the location, the action is thunderous.
Red blade of the scythe.
The change is radical.
Discover yourself by freeing yourself from rationality.
Amplification of pain if the mind clings to old values.
Represents the professions in the breach: police officers, funeral directors, bailiffs.
Change in lifestyle example: moving.
Flesh-colored skeleton —> We are weakened by what affects the self. But it’s also life.
We must accept change and continue on the path
We have no choice.
When we draw this card, the upheaval will happen
Blade that makes you completely independent.
Blade which concerns inheritance, capital, real estate. We sell or pass on some things.
Change your means of action.
It’s a laying bare. He is himself. He doesn’t identify himself.
Upside down
Resistance to change. We cling to the past
The stage of change is difficult to accept.
Could be about a bad decision.
It can be interpreted as a return of the Hanged Man: the inner prison, masochism.
Problem of ossification, calcification. Rheumatism
Bad real estate transaction.
The personality is fragmented. The blade must be turned over to help the consultant find his way.



Under the sign of Saturnian Aquarius (not Uranian Aquarius).
Young winged woman transferring water from one urn to another.
Her hair is stressed to the side. Half-red, half-blue dress —> its polarities are shared
TEMPERANCE —> there is a notion of time to respect
Between the 13th and 15th (the devil). Luckily she’s here!
His gaze is down —> putting himself within reach of others. Connect with a culture other than your own
There is an effort to be made
Acceptance of a culture different or contrary to one’s own
Very important concept of exchanges. Know how to communicate
We must move towards accepting the difference of others
Opening up to influences from outside life
Contact exists even if people do not understand each other
She has to add the red and the blue in her
Wings —> very ethereal blade. She enters a spiritual era
At the level of the plexus, flesh color —> it can be sensitized, affected by human misery (e.g. Mother Theresa)
We must discover our spiritual path, open up to others, bond
The water jet 3 strands into 2 strands, it sorts
She is very selective about what she will give
She is able to transmit
Announces the transition from a lower state to a higher state but over a rather long time
Things will get done but it will take patience
Concept of service —> yellow scarf and yellow belt
Water in 2 jets —> the union of opposites will be fruitful
If the water rises, we must go back to the source of things. Linking the conscious with the unconscious
Caution, moderation
Red flower in her hair —> she had contact with subtle energies
Regulatory role —> the blue vase rests at the location of the spleen.
Evokes fertility.
Bringing together two opposing people. Rediscover spiritual androgyny.
Discovery of its feminine part and its masculine part.
Spiritual flight. Overseas air travel.
Blade which governs all nerve impulses and circulation.
Not a good blade for vitality.
Acupuncture can be recommended.
Things will improve over time as you try to make yourself and the other person understood.
Listening and communication effort.
Bad blade for the nervous system. the person needs to calm down.
Concerns healers, magnetizers.
She has an adaptation movement.
Opening up to other frontiers.
Concerns foreign languages.
Upside down
She’s all twisted —> back pain.
Decreased vitality.
Kidney aches. Bladder problem.
Nervous tension.
Blockage of energy, communication.
Person who locks himself into silence.
You have to regain your energies through acupuncture or magnetism.
Someone who is unwilling to lower themselves to other cultures or who refuses to make the effort to understand others
Core of problems.



Blade that expresses the entire combination of fundamental elements: water, earth, fire, air
We see an individual half-man, half-woman, half-beast who stands on a pedestal holding a sword in his left hand. Two imps are tied to the pedestal.
Hermaphrodite —> total integration of opposites.
The most important blade concerning the fusion of opposites since it is hermaphrodite.
15 = 5 - 1 = 4 find a material era The Emperor.
15 = 10 + 5 = 1 + 5 individualize yourself (the Pope = 5) with all its forces, both positive and negative.
Very material blade which requires us to call upon all the material concepts we know to use them.
You have to integrate yourself completely into the business.
Become an animal.
We are in the world of illusion so we have to play the game and maybe even degrade ourselves.
The Devil is an initiator.
By going deep within oneself, the Devil will discover energies which he will bring up to learn how to be their master.
Blade that can make one forget the spiritual path.
You have to learn to go down into yourself to use your energies.
To return to concrete
You have to do it consciously.
We must remain receptive to what the unconscious reveals.
The Devil brings the power to use all of our dark forces.
They can weaken or strengthen us since we will discover new energies.
It can also make us ambivalent.
You have to live the body.
This surge of energy will have to be channeled.
This energy will be initiating.
The Devil does not want to lose contact with intuition but he clings well to matter.
Claws —> find your instincts, the wild, primitive state
Defend others, defend yourself.
Power of fascination because it is so ugly.
He has breasts, he is capable of breastfeeding and making him dependent.
The Devil is naked —> this initiation has a purifying meaning even if we have to degrade ourselves, demean ourselves.
It has to be done.
Red belt —> sexual energy
You have to call upon a whole formidable side of nature and you have to use its power to maneuver as you want. Power of bewitchment and magnetism.
You have to recognize your instinctive energies, the animal in yourself to use it.
We must use our dark side which we must know
The sword does not have a pommel —> you have to take risks even if it means getting hurt.
The 2 imps represent the relationship with our unconscious. The less we are conscious of our actions, the more it is the unconscious which directs us.
So the Devil tells us to control our unconscious to be aware of our actions.
We must learn to depend on matter in order to be independent of it.
The imps have their hands behind their backs —> very strong libido. There are things they hide but must be discovered.
The black soil reveals all its richness.
You have to make an effort to find out. Politician, banker, clairvoyant, analyst, ourselves who set out to discover our energy.
Possessive mother or children who play with the mother
Cooks’ blade.
We set off to explore. We have all the means.
Upside down
Door open to all perversions.
We can be victims of manipulation, deception, and falsehoods.
Misuse of energy. Used to manipulate others.
There may be major material and financial problems, capital that has gone adrift.
The Devil is formidable, a false maneuverer.
He can make the little imps = the people who are in his service feel guilty.
We take revenge on matter because there is something that we have not transformed, transcended.
His sexual energies turn against him.
Personality destructuring.
The Devil is on the move, he plays with everything.
He’s going to play with death.
He is aware that he will use his energy to manipulate.
Can live in the world of gangsters. He tacks well. He uses his dark side.
There are many facets to a person. Machiavellian intelligence.
Wants to preserve his power of fascination because he cares about those around him.
The Devil can overthrow himself at any time, he just has to decide.
It is a force that can be turned around with a single blow.
Blade in the present. Things are happening.
He destroys and he destroys himself. Leaves after-effects on the body. Masochistic. Someone who likes to punish.



Decapitated tower.
The top of the tower comes off.
A duster that cleans.
Flesh-colored building.
Identified with Uranus = creation, rapid evolution of events.
Generates rhythm, cadence.
It updates things.
Very versatile.
Not constant, in stages.
Unexpected, change of direction, abrupt separation, reconnection. Uranus governs nervous tension.
We cannot tolerate any constraints.
Blade of great awareness.
There is an ephemeral side —> men fall and will stop.
We are faced with change, we undergo it because destiny takes care of it.
Flesh-colored brick —> provides security.
Society concept.
Everything we have acquired.
Ruler, measure.
The limits we have imposed on ourselves.
Crown coming loose —> we built things that wouldn’t last.
We are turning everything upside down. Very strong questioning.
Stronger in speed than arcana 13.
It is not as important as arcana 13.
It is a change of direction but there is no deep inner change.
Tower —> pretensions that we have asserted around us.
Disappointment in oneself.
The top of the tower was poorly constructed.
The yellow should be a bolder color.
Two rough stones —> we must not recut the stones as we cut them.
We must not desecrate what comes from God.
Stones can become a crystal.
Two-tone black and white stones: meeting of opposites. In rebuilding the building, man must bring together the exoteric and the esoteric.
The Devil, who has used all his energies, falls from a height.
We clean our heads.
The head comes off but it’s still hanging on by a thread.
3 windows —> representation of an alchemists’ furnace: the Athanor.
The mixture of forces that will give a result occurs inside.
The manifestation of this result is always material, physical and also moral.
Spiritual openness.
It’s time to get things done.
Spiritual openness calls for awareness
You have to establish things according to the moment and adapt to change.
Don’t settle down
Rain of hailstones: 13 reds —> act of love but also of violence.
11 Blues —> symbol of receptivity, emotionality, wisdom.
We manage to channel. 13 White —> by calling on all your energies (blue + red) we are led towards illumination
Very very strong card which nevertheless tells us that all education, the social environment is an obstacle in life at a given moment and that we must free ourselves from it. The fallen men seek to regain their balance.
Faced with this situation, man will call on all his resources. Survival instinct.
Blade that forces us to look at reality.
Upends our beliefs. Break the constraints
State of crisis, anxiety, passing form of depression.
Violent and fast. 6 tufts of herbs —> the choice (the Lover).
We are going to be selective.
We almost lose our minds. You have to use your feelings.
Not at all mentally.
This will be the best way to deal with all these upheavals.
Researchers, geologists, physicists often take out this blade.
It calls for everything that is unconventional, the spirit of innovation, the will.
We change route. If it is taken out often, there may be a search for identification with the father who was missed by the man.
Birth of twins. Accident.
Upside down
Badly assumed. We don’t adapt. We are disappointed.
We become completely unpredictable, we no longer reason
We will therefore have to be less instinctive and more reasoned.
Creative energy exists but it is too strong. We can’t channel so we will destroy.
Depression, depression, anxiety.
The opening of this blade is reasoning.
You have to learn to calm down because the nervous tension is very strong.
Lack of discernment. Impulsiveness.
Everything is excessive.
Accident, inconvenience, surgical operation.
We must integrate failure and plan for the future. We must see the opening, the new path to take.
With this blade nothing is stable.



We remember from the Star the lighting quality of the top.
They pierce the darkness of the night.
They show a path. The initiate will ask him for directions.
Young woman pouring water into the river which is contained in 2 red vases.
Two trees, a larger one on the left with a black bird.
Large blue hair —> blade of receptivity.
Very receptive to waves from the sky, to life.
Very beneficial blade.
Purification by water, protected by lights.
She is guided.
The luminaries say that we must follow the rhythm of the stars to find our place without life.
Relationship with the Pleiades constellation (= 8 stars)
Seven little stars which concern departure and renewal.
The main star is likened to the sun.
We discover celestial influences.
You have to adapt and let yourself be guided.
Attitude of humility of the woman on her knees, she submits.
She accepts these strengths.
Man discovers things that are no longer limited
The lights will guide him towards interior illumination.
She is authentic to herself.
Blade of self-giving.
2 red vases.
One is at the level of sex: she preserves herself and she gives the best of herself.
This blade evokes rediscovered inner peace.
Inner harmony.
Artist map.
There are things where she will know how to keep things secret.
She is ready to realize something that is close to her heart, a project that is likely to come true.
The bird establishes contact between sky and earth
The fact that he is black represents that there is still work to be done.
Smooth transition symbol.
Things will get done but we must first give freely.
Black bird: the crow, solar bird, which will help the transformation.
It is preparing for its next flight (wings unfolded).
She will take advantage of the winds to move forward and evolve
Soft mutation
Slow, very slow transformation.
This blade tells us to be very receptive to everything that will be given to us. We are on the right path.
Upside down
It takes on water.
Refusal to give of oneself, when it is necessary to give.
Lack of self-confidence.
Emotionality that overwhelms, that paralyzes.
We can no longer act very narcissistic.
Form of infantilism
She is locked in a dream (blue hair).
We cut ourselves off from the world.
Locked in subjective states.
Form of frigidity.
Voluntary refusal to have a child.
Map of mirages.
Emotionality completely inhibited.
Fear of growing up.



Associated with Cancer: likes to be pampered, loved.
Cyclothymic side, persecuted.
2 towers emerging on the horizon.
Drops magnetized by the moon, as if it were sucking in this water.
Two canines barking
The Moon governs all biological rhythms.
It represents the passage from life to death and from death to life.
Evokes the passing of time.
Very rich blade.
The star is called by the Moon to fertilize.
She is very powerful and fruitful.
Lots of blue: receptivity, dreams, diving into one’s unconscious, into one’s nocturnal side to bring out everything that comes from the unconscious.
Symbol of gestation and digestion of things.
Very strong bond with mother.
Femininity is called to transmit on all levels (name, capital, walls).
Moon symbol of the past, this past which has marked us all, but also the future.
You have to become aware of things so that you don’t make the same mistakes again.
Evokes popularity, the social plan, the crowd.
The Moon affects collective, individual and family Karma.
We need tradition, roots.
The influence of ancestors is great. We are attached to the past.
The influence of women is very strong.
The Moon calls upon a whole instinctual side (red rays).
Rivalry between the 2 dogs to have the Moon —> there may be problems between 2 brothers of the same family (inheritance problem).
Closed tower, an open tower —> we can open ourselves to communication or lock ourselves into the dream which can represent the character of the 2 dogs.
The 2 dogs, even rivals, are associated.
They cannot live without each other.
Materialized impulses of jealousy, fear of losing the mother.
Civil war.
There is always a karmic connection.
No separation
Passive blade, very indolent.
It’s not a vitality blade. Crayfish in water: it likes to depend.
She needs limits, a framework.
We’re going to look for his connections. Crayfish molt in cycles. There is indeed a notion of cycles to respect. She needs to be secure, to take refuge in habits. Need an atmosphere, to be emotionally secure.
Upside down
There is an abscess to be drilled.
It’s very painful.
There are things that we cannot swallow because the unconscious is disturbed.
We can comfort ourselves in pain, in neurosis
The past links us to something that makes us exist
There will be a fight against emotions, we cannot control them at all, nor our instincts.
Health plan: it disrupts all the cycles, the entire rhythm of the body, cells which proliferate anarchically (you have to be careful).
Hormonal disruption.
The blade says: you have to resolve your emotional problems.
Family conflicts, inheritance problem.
Difficulty of being recognized by the mother, difficulty of being a mother because she will not have had a mother herself.
Sensation of suffocation in the atmosphere.
Psychosomatic illnesses, asthma attacks.
War on traditions, religious war.
Dichotomy in the same culture.
We withdraw completely into a world of our own, we are cut off from the outside.
Lack of communication.
Difficulty getting rid of old walls and family heirlooms.
We are linked to the walls, to the history of the walls.
Very difficult blade to reverse.
Morbid jealousy.
Feeling of being diminished.
We don’t feel integrated into the surroundings.
Great influence of the mother, of the wife.
The Moon invites us to delve into childhood problems.
Very strong emotion but blocked. Yet there is a demand —> the drops come towards us
You have to get the person to talk without rushing them emotionally about their childhood and their relationships with their mother.
You have to get the consultant to reveal himself.
You have to resolve your emotional problems.



2 children - 2 twins almost naked under a beautiful sun. Drops perspire.
Yellow wall with red wall.
Sun with a human face, it radiates 16 rays —> arcane 16 of the House of God.
The Sun makes us aware of things.
You have to remain objective.
The Sun asks us to clarify.
Different colors on the shelves —> different qualities, you have to use all the potential within you.
We are going to use all our creative powers.
Sun —> masculine archetype.
Search for the father, a spiritual guide.
Represents authority.
Appears as if it were fixed at the zenith —> evokes the continuity, the permanence of a state.
Can also have a negative aspect: the sun burns when we approach it too closely, the sun rises then takes us to the kingdom of the dead, can guide souls through the infernal regions and bring them back to the light the next day.
Reincarnation, every day is a new initiation.
Invites us to direct this creativity towards divine love and not towards pride because there risks being an inflation of the self and not a creation.
Creation, harmony, artistic sense, beauty.
2 stones at the twins’ feet: yellow —> everything is ready for the construction of the temple.
red wall —> limit not to be exceeded.
The individual is resolving an inner duality —> one child touches the neck, the other the heart.
Very important blade in the fusion of opposites
We find the myth of twins where they play the role of antagonist and complementarity too.
We must connect the head and the heart.
Epiphysis has a direct action on spiritual development.
Solar plexus: place of crystallization, we feel things, events, people there.
The twins are on the path to spiritual androgyny.
Meeting with oneself or emotional meeting.
14 rays of color: Temperance
4 yellow rays: realization (4), maturation of a state, spirituality (yellow), all this potential will come out.
5 red rays: action, vitality (red)
5 arriving at a higher stage, we will channel the energy.
3 blue rays: receptivity, discernment (blue) we link the two.
2 green rays: use all resources and mature, know how to wait.
Great influence, great mastery.
2 white rays: initiation into germ.
6 different drops on the right, 6 different drops on the left, 1 in the middle —> very balanced.
Strong vitality, balance is not disturbed at all.
Descent of spiritual energies through purifying water.
Show who we are, appear to the public, an image through which we will get the message across.
Red wall: we must draw a line under the past, we must see the future, we must know how to move on from childhood, we must cut the umbilical cord.
We must not awaken old sufferings since we have come out of darkness.
Many problems are clarified (behind the wall, there is the Moon).
Emotional union or professional advancement where the individual can use all of their creative potential.
Frank, no ambiguity.
Construction, architecture, luxury businesses.
Each individual has the germ of his opposite.
Every necklace is a link, they are linked to each other, they have things to reveal and can call into question the personality.
It is very rich.
Upside down
Strong also upside down.
The ambition is excessive.
There is a certain intoxication: water of fire.
In connection with alcoholism.
The drops make you drunk.
Abuse of power, tyrannical side, dry relationship.
Lots of pride, egocentrism, ego inflation, deep narcissism.
May have a paternal problem: search for a father, a guide, problem with the father.
In this case we are obliged to go behind the wall, to find the Moon (blade XVIII).
Exhibitionist person, need to be recognized at all costs.
Cardiac axis may be affected.
Angry person.
Crushing honesty: it’s me, the others manage.
Intolerance, machismo.
We assert ourselves without taking others into account.
Feeling of not being recognized.
Search for a father.



Uranus which announces changes of direction.
Blade that marks a renewal in life.
Fast blade.
Haloed angel holding a trumpet appearing in a blue cloud.
Kneeling woman and old man praying, a naked young man coming out of the tomb.
Cloud —> is linked to a prophetic notion,
He announces a prophetic revelation.
Angel —> intermediary between God and Men.
He is protector of the elected officials, he has the function of minister
it acts as a warning sign. He guides and watches over those who listen to him.
He announces an intervention, a divine message.
2 small wings, 2 large wings —> flight, liberation from a state.
Divine justice intervenes in the same way for all stresses.
Pennant with a yellow cross —> principle that unifies, rallying.
Trumpet —> expresses historical moments, victory, battle, the hour of judgment, a trial which will be deliberated.
yellow and red rays: 17 —> sign of hope and ideal.
8 yellow rays: justice.
9 red rays: the Hermit.
Return to an original stage.
We announce a message corresponding to an interior path
time for social rehabilitation.
3 people with blue hair —> receptivity, passivity, listening to the celestial message.
You have to surrender.
Someone’s back coming out of the tomb —> tomb instead of transformation of energies, initiatory passage.
Very strong symbol of resurrection.
Death of oneself, birth of a new state, new life, discovery of a state, of a spirituality, naked truth —> discover one’s spirituality, psychic genealogy, We cut the umbilical cord, we begin to world, we no longer suffer collective karma.
We are going through a period of brutal transmutation, we will be born into new possibilities.
Imminent meeting, very important, karmic meeting.
Return to traditions, to the country, recognizing your father and mother.
Lame evokes sound, communication.
The message can be a telegram, a letter, or a telephone call.
Professional rise, something unexpected
20 —> 2 Gestation and 0 before beginning.
Things are almost ripe, there is only one more step to take for the being to emerge from the tomb.
We are no longer tied to traditions as we were, we become autonomous, we become completely individualized. A sign of humility, of respect for the divine message, they submit to destiny.
Reverse Deafness, one cannot hear, refusal to be born to oneself, he refuses to cut the cord, he wants to find his parents.
Fear of becoming individualized.
Linked to grandparents who protect him.
Difficulty gaining independence.
No creative power.
We want to remain children.
We have the possibilities to change our situation but we don’t do it.
Trial: the judge can lie.
Do not judge an event —> blade of bad discernment, we cannot be objective.
Difficulty coping with a divorce.
Difficulty in the origins —> we are looking for his name.
Great fear.
We must embrace this rebirth.



Naked woman, or hermaphrodite, dancing inside a flower crown
colorful in the shape of a mandorla
mandorla close to the diamond —> connection between heaven and earth, the lower and upper world.
Bull, lion, eagle, angel at the 4 corners
hermaphrodite: has both sexes, or the sex is not yet defined, reunification of the 2 sexes.
Blade very linked to the 1st blade: we must integrate the beginning and the end of time —> when we have decided, we must go to the end.
Evokes becoming masculine and feminine again to integrate the divine essence —> carries a small stick, masculine generating principle, of creation, of command in his left hand, an oval object in his right hand. Represents the feminine side.
Flesh-colored: in full metamorphosis, transition
It stands out from the white.
Dance: rite of identification, respect, sacredness
She has gone beyond the material world, participation in creation, marriage, effective coronation.
Success but it is not easy, we have to take responsibility for things, we have to take responsibility for all the elements without unbalancing ourselves (fire, earth, air, water), taking responsibility for ourselves completely.
She is very balanced, she transcended things well by going all the way.
Desire for perfection.
Taurus or the hybrid: what is monstrous, deformed is rich in meaning, as if the hand of God had rested on it,
The animal is humanized, seeking evolution,
Deep inner conflict: feeling the beast, feeling the soul
Antagonism, someone divided between regression if he lets himself be carried away by his instincts,
Taurus: instinctive, symbol of matter and the Denier, the earth,
Expresses stability and fertilizing force.
Haloed lion: wisdom, power, justice,
Chair halo: he lives in the material world but he is on the path to spirituality,
Embody the image of the father and authority.
Eagle or rooster: the only bird that can look the sun in the face, flies high,
Requirement, need to improve,
Haloed in red color: red is channeled,
Always ask for more in the direction of perfection,
Rooster: always stay alert, keep the mind alert, keep an eye on things, he is protective.
Announces the end of problems (day dawns).
Angel: corresponds to the Cup and love according to St Matthew, leaves the world of appearances (the earth),
Announce the divine era,
Be careful not to get carried away by material anxieties, heavy responsibilities,
Angel has an initiating role, it is something that you must assume which will initiate you.
Great influence, glory, success if we go to the end
You have to be in tune with all your resources.
You have to be available.
Blue crown: receptivity,
red: activity,
yellow: maturity.
If we go all the way, we announce a transformation with the arrival of a new cycle.
We are changing course.
Upside down
Mortuary coronation, promotes depression, completely locked in, we no longer communicate, we resign from life, we no longer take responsibility, notion of guilt, we should have gone to the end, the energy is in depression
Psychological problems between him and others.
Feeling of existing only through the four.
Solitudes difficult to accept, social image that does not fit with the interior.
We allow ourselves to be dominated by material anxieties —> the bull is on top, we have given them too much importance.


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